2012 School Magazine
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the Year 10s knew the most about music. movies. sport and the School. Our delicious pancake and hot cross bun breakfasts kept everyone going through the rougher times of the year. These House assemblies also featured the glorious voices of two of our talented Gibsonites. Georgia Horstey and Rebecca Davidson We would like to thank Mrs Boltman and Mrs Kitdey for their efforts in the Head of House role this year and for all the support. dedication and time they have put in to making the year run so smoothly. Most of all. we would like to thank the Gibson girls. With your enthusiasm to participate in every Gibson event this year. you have made our job as House Captains so much more enjoyable. We know that even next year. the Phantom will continue to fight
Gibson House has had a memorabte year filled with running. singing. jumping. swimming and cheering We began the year with our House party where we were amazed by everyone's talents in the Knights Mounts Cavaliers game Finishing with a giant purple cake. the morning was a success and even left us with the five giant pass-the-parcels for House assembly. In Term I. the house impressed all. coming second at the Interhouse swimming carnival. Interhouse cross country was attacked by many eager Gibson girls with He tena leading the way in a purple Teletubbies suit. and the Year12sin quick pursuit. literally shining in their sparkty purple capes. We skillfully set up the hurdles at Inter house athletics and were rewarded with a wonderful second place. A huge quiz at House assembly proved
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