2012 School Magazine
I really enjoyed algebra. as I was chat enging and in Ieresiing. I liked how we used a tec n'que cal ed wrapping and unwrapping' equa ions o so ve the
algebraic problems R MA HAWA 18Ll
This year we have learned an assortment of things including simple interest. profit and loss, Pythagoras theorem. expanding and factorising as well as linear relationships. The experience for me has been one of great enjoyment because I have been able to extend myself outside the classroom MEGAN STAFFORD 19Bi
YearlO Mathematics has further developed the fundamentals of our knowledge of the subject. Among other things. we have learned about surds, indices, trigonometry. 51m u!taneous equations. a rid trees-in-stick- form. otherwise known as tree diagrams CARA MCKELVIE 110BIAND HANSA SHARMAllOOl
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This year has been an enjoyable and fulfilli g experience for all girls in the programme. The teachers are supportive and engaging and prepare us well for our assessment RACHAEL VASEYlllLjAND KATE LUNNEYlllGj
MAMA We have learned about topics that have equipped us for the world outside the white picket fence and our parents' houses. The topics we have covered have varied from learning and managing money. to reading contour maps and learning about building houses BRIOGID 0'5ULLIVAN 112Ll
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