2012 School Magazine
^"11^ Physics this year has been a totally new experience for the Year 11 Physics cohort. Though we covered topics we already had a vague idea about - such as cars. motion and waves - it was still very new and fascinating to us all to learn about the actual physics behind the concepts and why these things work the way they do
This year in Year 8 Science we studied several different topics including chemistry, geology and biology. We found biology to be the most interesting as it allowed us to develop an understanding of our bodies and life around us. CARMEN ZHU 18Ri AND PHDEBE GiBSON-DouGALL 18Rl
In Term I Chemistry we learned about the periodic table of the elements and the ions they form and in Term 11 we studied the human body. Term 111 was the physics of electricity. and the astronomy of the Earth. The impact of global warming were the topics studied in Term IV. JESSICA CLARE 19Gl
Physics has been a wonderful opportunity to engage in an understanding of the world around us. Covering topic such as electromagnetism. radioactivity and nuclear physics. we have been encouraged to challenge oursetve and build upon the fundamentals of Physics. and the rea life applications with which we are all familiar
It's been a truly great experience studying the different branches of science - chemistry. physics and biology - with really interesting and diverse topics such as acids. rockets and diseases. This year has reignited my love for all the branches of science.
^11^^11 11 We started the year by learning the scientific method whit drugging Daphnia Iwater fleasl. Another highlight was the water quality testing excursion where we went to three different locations along the Brisbane River JOSEPHINE ROElllOl
Science 21 enables students to explore different avenues within the science field leading to a deep understanding of our world. This subjects practical approach to learnin enables students to fully grasp the principles of applied scienc PARIS MANN 112RIAND MADELINE O'HARE 112Bl
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