2012 School Magazine

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I have to say Year 9 camp had definitely been a bigger challenge than Year 8 camp. I wanted to stay strong the whole way and say to myself that I can do it! There 15 one very Important thing that my group has taught me patience A highlight for me was laying on my back looking up at t stars - it was really special. I believe my determination and mindset 15 what will get me through the day and up those mountains



IN ^ Year 8 camp is a GREAT experience. nojoke Remember to enjoy this experience because you will only have Year 8 camp once I loved it here at Marrapatta. This magical place has this loving feeling that Invites all Grammar girls In You do a variety of fun activities canoeing. camping. the list 15 endless All the staff are so nice and helpful. don t be afraid to ask for help. Camp seniors make it a lot of fun. the food is good. the responsibility and freedom Is amazing. You'll love it Grammar sister I

11A^ ' a Support each other when the going gets tough. A simple encouraging comment and smile can push someone up that last bit of mud or up a steep hill. Nothing can dampen your view on camp except a negative attitude Camp 15 one word that everybody views differently. You love it. you hate it or you live it. As my first Grammar camp I thought it was amazing and definitely a wonderful thrill

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