2012 School Magazine

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I find Study of Religion to be an extremely engaging. relevant and topical subject. Religion is a significant and important factor in today's world and it is really important to understand the origins. impact and argumen surrounding today's faith-based conflicts. The breadth of the course means that we have the opportunity to learn about important religious events that shaped history. religious conflicts. and issues present in today's society as well as what they mean for Australia and globalIy





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From investigations into the prominent religions of today. as well as those of centuries past. Study of Religion has offered me the opportunity to learn about different world religions and in turn discover more about my place in this multifaceted and unpredictable world. Having immersed myself in ancient and modern philosophical. religious and scientific schools of thought. Study of Religion has changed the way I view the world and shaped the person that I have. and continue. to become

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runMii; EComan is an economic management course offered to Year 11 economics students as an opportunity to experience the operation of large-scale companies. 11 is a three-day course where several small groups of students allocate themselves different positions within a simulated company. Each group competed as rival companies to establish the highest share price over the duration of five years. At the end of the course. each group made a presentation summarising the results of their companies to potential Investors. 11 was a rewarding experience as it helped 11< dPvelop a better Lintlerstanrling of economics and provided an opportunity to apply our class theory to 'real' situations. The programme was a very valuable experience to everybody who participated and offered guidance to future aspirations in economics and business Our Year 12 economics course has explored the mechanics of the domestic economy while exploring the links between nations. Through the application of economic theory we have been able to divulge and investigate contemporary issues within society. Beyond the classroom several visitors to the School. including economists from the Reserve Bank of Australia. have imparted valuable insight Into the Australian and international economies. Likewise. the Economics Society. which is attended by economics students and teachers from both Girls Grammar and other schools. held regular guest presentations on current economic issues. in July. the whole economics cohort participated in the University of Queensland Economics Competition. This state-wide test required students to apply economic theory to current affairs. Many girls are to be congratulated on attaining distinctions and high distinctions in the competition VICTORIA WARD 111Li, INGRID WILLIAMS 11/01 AND MIA FINLEY 111Hi

The Humanities Visiting Scholar Programme aims to provide students who are studying a Humanities subject with the opportunity to extend and challenge their studies It was a great honor to have the Reverend Tim Costetto IAOi. CEO of World Vision Australia. as the guest speaker in 2012 This years theme was 'Social challenges faced by different communities'. Drawing on his

vast knowledge. he skillfully integrated examples of everyday situations within the lives of the students, to make them aware of the many similarities and challenges faced by communities In other parts of the world. This was particularly relevant to the Geography classes present as he was able to highlight the relevance of their studies of both local and global issues Reverend Costetto shared the diverse and practical ways that World Vision Australia has been able to make a positive contribution by working in partnership with communities within East Africa and india. This encouraged the students to challenge their outlook on life and seek ways to assist and improve the well-being of their fellow human beings MR J WHEATLEY. HEAD OF GEOGRAPHY

HUMANITIES: Learning about the Ancient and Modern Olympics was interesting and fascinating. The Ancient Olympics looked into how Athens saw sporting events used in their time. while Modern Olympics simply is an exciting occasion for people who have a talent in sport




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