2012 School Magazine
WATER rot^
Water polo has proven to be one of the Schools biggest sports with lust under 200 girls playing in the 20/1/2012 season. The teams tra ned and played throughout the long season. with an Incredible eleven out of fifteen teams continuing through to semi-finals In the Saturday competition In the regutar Saturday competition. which was played over 15 weeks. the girls were very successful. Five of the eleven teams proceeded through to the grand final. Including the 14B. 14C. 15A. 15C and 16C teams. Special congratulations to the U14B team for securing the gold after a convincing victory over Mount St. MIChaets There were three state competitions that Brisbane Girls Grammar competed in this season: the U14. U16 and U18 championships. The girls played well In all three championships and this was reflected with twenty-four girls setected in State Water polo squads. Following the competitions at the end of the U14 State titles held in December 2011. Brisbane Girls Grammar played their rivals. All Hallows'. in an exhitarating grand final The teams were so tightty matched that the game went into extra time before being Interrupted by a storm incredibly. this didn't faze our girls as they went on to win the game and the
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The 2012 touch season was unquestionably one of the most successful seasons yet This years season consisted of eleven teams. the biggest squad Brisbane Girls Grammar touch has ever experienced. This was due to the addition of an 8Bii and senior Biiteam. which formed the massive group of 154 girls The School touch squad started the season strong with hard training and great determination to prove that the success of our touch girls has no limits. With the help of the team of amazing and skilled touch coaches. all girls demonstrated an exceptional level of team work and Grammar spirit in their first game against the renowned Brisbane State High Schoot. with seven out of eleven teams coming away with a win, including a
gold medat In the U16 Championships. Brisbane Girls Grammar was represented by two teams - the white team played very well to finish ninth. and the blue team secured third position and the bronze medal after a number of very close games. The U18 State Championships saw the girls ptay a great team game for the entire championships and win the bronze medal. Brisbane Girls Grammar also entered a 16 and under team at the National Club 16 and Under Championships on 2-7 October. placing tenth out of twenty-seven teams The annual end of season water polo dinner was a great success. The dinner was held at the School pool and it was great to see so many people attend. it lust reflects the spirit and commitment of both the players and parents to water polo This year. a new award was introduced - the coach's award. This recipient of the award was chosen by the coach. awarded to one of the team players. Congratulations must go to Bridget Leeson- Smith 110Giwho was presented with the prestigious Debbie Handley Award REBECCA LUNNEY112GIAND EMILY NIELSEN 112Li, CAPTAINS
first ever win against BSHS for the Opens team f possible, the determination and Grammar spirit of the girls rose even further All teams are to be coinmended on their fantastic season. but In particular the Opens. 10Bs and 9Bs who placed first in their divisions History was made when the Open team won their first ever premiership in the aGSSSA competition. an outstanding achievement and memorabte season A few highlights to the season Included the numerous 'scrap matches' against All Hallows'. which proved both extremely effective and enjoyable The Easter Hunt at the end of Term I kept the enthusiasm and spirit of the girls at a high. and strengthened the bonds within the Grammar touch community The welcome breakfast was another highlight of the season. offering the new Year 85 an insight into touch football at Brisbane Girls Grammar This years season was exceptionally successful with all teams showing outstand rig team work. encouragement and dedication ANNIE HACK 112Wl, CAPTAIN
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