2012 School Magazine


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The girls have worked hard which has been reflected In the improvements in technique. musicality and ensemble work. The string ensembles have been busy with the numerous concerts during the year including the Cathedral Concert. Artists In Concert and the String Fest The year began with Senior Music Camp where Chamber Orchestra and Vivatdi Players worked as a group for the first time. it was a great experience for the girls to bond learning new techniques and repertoire. For the newest additions to our String Programme. the Year 85 began the year with the Welcome to New Families Concert where they heard from the Schools top orchestra. Chamber Orchestra. Later on in the Term. the annual Autumn concert showcased our string players and was the first performance of the year for our new players. To conclude the term. Chamber Orchestra performed at the Cathedral Concert where the orchestra performed Vivatdi's Concerto Grosso In A minor featuring Queenie Chang 112Bl and Holly The Ile 112Gl on the violin; and Bloch's Prayer from Jewish Life featuring cellist. Chtoe Yap 111Bl. It was an amazing venue in which to ptay and an Incredible night for all those Involved Term 11 began just as busily with performances from Symphony Orchestra. Vivatdi Players, Albinoni Strings. Brandenburg Strings. CoreltI Strings and chamber groups at the two May Concerts This was a great chance for each ensemble to demonstrate the progress they had made and to entertain the audience with compelling performances. The instrumental competitions quickly fottowed. where a significant number of girls competed in either the Gillies Violin Prize or BGGS String Prize. The adjudicator was impressed by the high standard and quality of music performed by the girls, which made it a very tough competition. The winners were Annie Chen 111Ei In the Gillies Violin Prize and Chioe Yap 11181 un the Brisbane Girls Grammar Strings Prize. The final1515 of the competitions competed in a final round for the R T and A E Jetferies Bursary at the Artists in Concert along with Chamber Orchestra. Special mention must go to Chioe Yap for winning the Bursary the second year in a row with an amazing performance of the first movement of Franck's Sonata In A and the finale of Haydn's Cello Concerto in C Open Day was an opportunity for all strings' players to demonstrate the hard work they had invested in this year. The public had the chance to listen. see and learn about the Schools

string programme in more detail and it exposed them to the amazing opportunities offered at the School. The chamber music competitions followed soon after with thirteen string quartets competing. For our senior players, the Stringfest at Brisbane Grammar School was a perfect way to show our girls' talents to the other schools. The Chamber Orchestra played an outstanding performance of the finale of Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings stretching all players' technical and musical skills. Our other string players participated in the 18th intermediate String Festival. which concluded a combined orchestra of more than 300 students from Brisbane Grammar School. Somerv lie House. and All Hallows' School With the years most anticipated concert looming. members of Chamber Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra prepared for the annual Gala concert. With some of the most challenging repertoire so far this year. the Chamber Orchestra has spent many rehearsals preparing the famous Barber Adagio and Czardas. These pieces challenge the orchestra not only in ensemble skills. but also in musicalIty to express the phrasing and dynamics. The Symphony Orchestra really enjoyed working on the famous Phantom of the Opera medley and Greig's Piano Concerto in A Minor which featured Jacquetine ip 112Bl as soloist Th s piece allowed the orchestra to accompany a soloist for the first time A special highlight of the year for the members of Chamber Orchestra was the opportunity to work with professional musicians from the Queensland Symphony Orchestra. This concert enabled the girls to workshop and perform pieces alongs de those who play professionalty for a living which was a great experience for involved. The Queensland Symphony Orchestra then performed the famous The Viva!diFourSeasons. incorporating special effects with wind machines. thunder rolls and lightning claps. I also had the opportunity to play the second violin solo in Coreltis Christmas Concerto with a member of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra. which was an Incredible experience and increased my confidence In performance greatly Of the many concerts this year. the Four Seasons Concerts was one of the most memorable and has made my last year as part of

the String Programme all the more unforgettabte QUEENIE CHANG 112Bl, STRING CAPTAIN


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