2012 School Magazine
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I^I INll QIN IN The Physics Olympiad programme 15 open to all students, typically benefiting high-achieving Years 10 and 11 students. I was fortunate to participate In this event along with nine other Year 11 students including Abigait Ketso 111El. Arussa . 111Ml. Diem Nguyen 111Ml. Annie Chen 111El. Susan Pan 111Bj. Anna Whitaker 111Hl. Britney Cochrane 111Ll. Emity Farr 111Ml and Sophie Weir 111Bl. Weekly sessions were held. where we studied material from this years and next years Physics cours such as waves and Ohms law as well as looking at questions from past papers. This helped us to prepare for and be able to anticipate the nature of the questions on this qualifying examination For those who achieve a high standard on the qualifying paper. there 15 a two week camp hetd in the summer holidays Being able to attend the sessions every week was extremely interesting and has provided me with an insight into what witI be covered in Physics in the next year. it has also bee a thoroughly enjoyable experience and a wonderful learning opportunity, which has improved my knowledge of Physics in or During two weeks of the 2011 December holidays. Abigai! Ketso 111El and I were fortunate to be members of the Australian Team and partic pate in the annual international Junior Science Olympiad IIJSOl held in Durban. South Africa This IJSO. aimed at participants under the age of 15 years, chattenged us In areas of biology. chemistry and physics. There were three components to the tests Involving theory. a short answer and experimental Apart from this. there were also various opportunities for sightseeing and bonding with the participants from the other fifty countries It was a very rewarding experience Not only has it broadened my knowtedge of science in many ways which I could not have imagined. I have atso made many valuable friendships with people from many different countries - ANNIE CHEN 111Ej I^I in^MUMl 10/11/'111Tl' MMMllT in March 2012. two teams from Brisbane Girls Grammar School competed at the IYPT Australia Challenge on the Gold Coast. The two teams finished in second and fifth positions The students were Ching IJanel Yeung 11201. Laura Perrin 112Wl. Jennifer Sun 112Ml. Rachet Wong 111Wl. Allissa . 111Ml and NICote Steemson 111Mj Laura Perrin and I were selected to form the Australian Team to compete at the International Young Physicists' Tournament 11YPTl at Bad Saut98u. Germany in July. Twenty-eight national teams from around the world were present at the event The competition 15 based on seventeen diverse IYPT problems and these were shared between all the members of the Australian Team. During the five rounds of 'physics fights' Laura and I were able to present one of our researched solutions to a problem. it was an absolute honour to witness International physics as the standard was unbelievabty high and some of the formulas and concepts presented were at university tevet than I could have imagined - CAITLIN MATTNER 111Ei MINTIMl llllOl "tarl QIN IN
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Calt!in Mattner 111El with her High Distinction certificate in the Physics 01ymp ad
At the opening and closing ceremonies we saw physics in action as Professor Metin Tatan explained how some James Bond gadgets were simply impossible for real use and the Science Duo showed us the power of helium. sulphur hexaftuoride and some beautiful vortex rings Not only was the tournament amazing to watch. but we had such a lovely and fun time meeting people from all around the wortd and learning about their cultures IYPT 2012 was a wonderful and amazing experience and It will be a memory that Laura and I will keep forever - ALLISSA L1 111Ml 11WIM1!11/1/1111'MMMllT The Junior Young Physicists' Tournament IJYPTl was held in Welling ton. New Zealand at the end of 2011. The Brisbane Girls Grammar School Team consisted of Diem Nguyen 111Ml, NICote SteemsonlllMl. Rachet Wong 111Wland me JYPT 15 a competition that involves schools from across the Asia Pacific region participating in five rounds of 'physics fights' in each round we competed against another schoot in the roles of reporter and opponent. These were att intense fights as both sides needed to know exactly what physics concepts were involved and had to be able to discuss it in front of a number of jurors. The theories behind the problems were very Interesting and usually involved something that we had never thought about or come across in our ctasses at school. such as dielectric materials or the Helmholtz formuta Outside the fight room we participated in an 'Amazing Race' around Welling ton and saw many fascinating places such as the Te Papa museum. which translates from Maori to English to mean 'our place'. To enhance the already very competitive mood, JYPT 2011 occurred simultaneously with the Rugby World Cup. so there was certainly some very friendly tension between the Australian and New Zealand schools. Nonetheless. we met some realty awesome peopte and had a fantastic time. Overall. Brisbane Girls Grammar came eighth after the five rounds and received a bronze medat. awarded to aji those teams who came between third to eighth position - ALLISSA L1 111Ml
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