2011 School Magazine

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Kirsten Jack Memorial Leukoemio Committee KIMLC is a group made up of girls from all five Year levels, named in memory of a Year I I student : who passed away from Ieukaemiain the 1970s. The group fundraisesin support of cancer : research. This year, we raffled a 1.4 metre tall bear (named George), in memory of the : committee's first fundraiser, which was a raffle of a dog called George. We also ran three ; bake stalls (one for George, one for the Biggest Morning Tea, and one for Daffodil Day), ran : fashion parades (after the Year 12 formal and the Year 11 Charity Social) and sold helium : balloons, flowers and bandanas. Over $3000 was raised and contributed to a number of : charities supporting cancer patients and their families In the lead up to Bandana Day, we were invited to attend an afternoon tea at Canteen's : headquarters in Fortitude Valley. The afternoon was inspiring. We heard from young adults : whose lives had been touched by cancer and about how Canteens programmes and services : had given them the support and understanding they needed None of this would have been possible without the huge levels of support we have received : and the dedication of the committee . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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I Ruby RamachandTan (12W) and Katrina Couzens 020), Co- Chairs) I


Oaktree Leaders for Change Sua s'dell, or hello in Khmer, the language of Cambodia. Girls Grammar is a partner in Oaktree's School4School's program, bringing

hosted the Oaktree State Summit on Monday 4 April, involving schools across South East Queensland. Seven of our members attended and discussed our goals for the year as well as projects including the Girl Effect and the Make Poverty History Campaign. in May a number of Girls Grammar teachers joined 6000 other Australians who participated in the annual Live Below the Line campaign. For one week Miss Coughlan (our tireless co-ordinator), Dr Stephens, Ms Hills, Mr Lanning, Ms Van Hornrigh, Ms Keating and Ms Thwaite spent just $2 a day on food in order to increase their personal awareness of global poverty by experiencing first hand the challenges faced by 1.8 billion people living

Australian schools into partnership with schools overseas. Through their education projects, Oaktree equips young Australians to have a real Impact as leaders in creating a better world. This year Oaktree 15 working alongside Kampuchean Action for Primary Education (KAPE) in Cambodia to provide equitable access to quality education for some of Cambodia's most disadvantaged youth in March our first fundraiser saw lots of delicious sweets and treats sold to raise $350. For Open Day, Oaktree members worked tirelessly to produce 22 kg of 1011y skewers, which raised a further $600. We

in extreme poverty, and simultaneously raising awareness within the Grammar community ; IKate Orogan (11M), and Alariah Oiles (11W) ; ; OaktTee Student Leaders) I ;

Second Chance Committee The Second Chance Committee this year has been busy raising awareness and funds for homeless women in our local community Almost $1000 was raised through our annual Valentine's Day bake stall and we could feel that love was in the air. To cement this 'love' for our community, Dr Dale Spender visited the School and spoke on assembly about her experiences in community service and to stress the importance of being involved The School cohort laughed and learned with Dr Spender and she inspired the committee to continue to work hard. Also inspiration al was the International Women's Day Breakfast at the Convention Centre, where we heard from the Premier and other inspiring speakers At the end of Term 11 the committee planned a pamper evening at Pindari Women's Service. The Grammar community donated new hair products, facial products, nail polish and soaps to make gift packs for the women living at Pindari. SIX girls then travelled to Pindari and offered the women facials, manicures, pedicures, hair treatments, foot spas and gave the women our overflowing gift bags. I'm sure I speak for all of the girls involved when I say It was an amazing experience as we made memorable connections with each of the women who were there

The annual Second Chance Swing into Spring event was once again a roaring success. Kate van Haeringen, Emma Cunning ham and Anna Whitaker performed on the night under the guidance of their music teacher Ms Sharp and impressed guests with their talent and skill

The students involved, including Katharine Bligh, Am an I Vassiliou, Giovanna Morris and Sophia Young, wowed committee members with their raffle ticket selling prowess. it has been an outstanding year for the committee, raising more money for homeless women services than ever before


I Vivien Shu (12H), Second Chance Committee Chairperson I


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