2010 School Magazine




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First we all took a walk outside to find 'our new best friend': a leaf! Taking this new found friend inside, half of us used water colouring techniques to reereate the leaf while the other half brushed up on sketchtrig skills by drawing something important: a shoe. These strange occurrences were not for nothing! inspiration was drawn from our leaf and shoe for several haikus. We then began to learn more about picture books and wrote our own, discovering that there is always a true meaning, or premise, to any book. That Diglit we participated in a story circle, with each person supplying only one word then moving onto sentence fragments. Briarious 8tories were created Sunday was publication and polish trig day and each girl published at least one of her creations. Monday w^ the time for sharing our stories and artwork and marvelling at the creative minds of those in our group. New friends were made during the time at Marrapatta, and we all worked together as a team to cook, Glean and have loads of fun. Writers' Camp 8010 was a huge successl Tort roomst <9B> and ."adaly, , Conwe11 <9Z. > ^!glv Be^, i^'^i^,^I^^;^;^^^^; - " -=.- - a. --~ ,. ~ ~ ~I ~-= ~ ~F, ^^^ ',,^IY^I .. . Writing Club is a place to write and present your work with lots of support and comments from other members . Spinning a story around to see different sides of it is fun . I like exploring different characters and how they can be portrayed . I like being able to explore my own literary mind and hearing what others think about the writing process . People at Writing Club are so nice and friendly-it is a very relaxing atmosphere . I have learnt so much about characteris atton and story structure . I would definitely recommend Writing Club for those who love English, love writing or just have a roving imagination! 0.0 .

On Friday 88 May twenty aspiring junior writers, along with Miss Littler, set out to Marronatta for four days of creativity. We didn't really know what was in store for us, however, we were definitely excited to inId out and we hoped it involved writing of some kind! That Inght we met Netto Briton, the



0001almed children's author, who would be spending the weekend with us. We had some fun with fractured fairy tales, creating some very memorable stories. MB Briton concluded the first night by reading us one of her favourite letupe books, which was very enjoyable and relaxing. Saturday morning saw us sleeping in and, after reading another picture book and a few extracts from Ms Hilton's books, we started working on our own writing. We learnt how to use action sentences and MB Ernon tall^it us how to expel Deslcy adverbs from our writing. This has certanily helped us with our creative writing. The afternoon held many creative and unusual dellglits for us.

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The reading group at Brisbane Girls Grammar School, the Linenum Society, is a small but enthusiastic group of avid readers' The group meets every Tuesday at lunchtime in the BSteUe Bunke Room in the Library. The manor project for 8010 was a book swap held on 15 September. We were able to raise $170.00 towards the indigenous Literacy Project. Can you imagine not being able to read a newspaper, a road Bigii or directions on a bottle of medication? Sadly, this 18 a reality faced by many Aboriginal and Topres Strait Islanders living in remote cornnnumties today. The indigenous Literacy Project alms to raise literacy levels and improve the lives and opportunities of Aboriginal peoples living in remote and isolated regions. This is done by providing books and literacy

resources to indigenous communities and raising broad community awareness of indigenous literacy issues. The students and staff of the School enthusiastically supported this most worthwhile event and the group intends to make this an annual fundraising activity. Gatherme Wet <. 8G>


School REagazine 80.0


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