2010 School Magazine


The Achene Club has once again been a great success this year with seventeen Year 12 and eleven Year 11 girls participating in regular meetings with senior boys from Brisbane Groinmar School.

opinions, contributed much to the traditionally spirited

Each Year 12 member is expected to present a short

Athene debate.

paper exploring a topic of his/her own choice. This year, a wide variety of interesting subjects has been discussed Achene Club continued to provide an intoneotu&11y and ranged from the place of religion in modem Australian and socialy stimulating environment in which to create society to the moral arguments surrounding testing for bonds and friendships with the Grammar boys, as weU the so-called 'crime gene'. The role that gender plays in as a wonderful opportunity to explore Brisbane Grammar certain aspects of society - for example in the sporting School's new Liney Centre and to host meetings in the arena - also proved a popular area of contention. trite neatually conducive surrounds of our own Creative Although Year 11 members were not required to present Learning Centre. a paper this year, their enthusiasm and eloquence as rathleen Smith Clan> and intoneal ,raynard CEOB> active participants expressing strong and insightful


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The Chess Club meets at lunchtime once a week during the school year. This dedicated group of students enjoys mixing with others who have a love of the game. Some excellent software exists for each person to develop her playing and thinking skills. We were invited to Brisbane Grammar School for a social and competition afternoon in third term.


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Clarissa Witson Gapably led the group and organised a display on Open Day.


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At the commencement of Term 111, a group of Economics students from Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School participated in the international EGOMAN program at law arm, COPTs Chambers Westgarth. The EGOMAll concept was developed originally as a business simulation training program for employees of a major international Swiss-ba8ed business. Recognised as having potential for the younger generation, EGOMAll was introduced as a hands-on learning tool to give students a greater insight into the practical uses of Economics. it aims to fuel future business aspirations and students are able to incorporate their current economic knowledge in a realistic situation. Students formed three competing companies with each student taking a position such as Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer, Production Manager, Human Resources Manager and Marketing Manager. The faulttators encouraged entrepreneurial initiatives

as they presented students with a range of opportunities and^nanonges set again^1'6hanging environments. The student managers had to source supplies, manufacture, market, engage in industrial relations negotiations, deal with environmental issues and government regulation, fund their businesses and cope with the consequences of their entrepreneurial initiatives as they sought to expand and improve their companies. On the final day, the managers of each company presented their annual results and company outlook to "shareholders" and members of the board at the company's annual general meeting in order to assess growth and profitsbnlty of each company. Camtri Lewin, Phoebe Duke, Rosemary Bonuster, Saran Grimths, dessiea BSIao, Joanna Roberts, Sally Proser, 01audia Xiao, Josephine MacMiUan and Laura Burr participated in this program. Langa Bum Cum> and JOBep, ,bon"ac",,, an 01.0>

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