2010 School Magazine
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01.0 qG^SSSA
At. ^atto Gym^tics Grade Open Placing 5th At^ladea Age Group Placing Badminton <8009> Grade Open 5th Placing
8 (1) 3rd
DC1i) to
D ill) 3rd
Do and
3rd and
' First
OV","I, 13 years 14 years and and
16 years Sad
1'7 year's
15 years Lit
10A and
LOB 6th
Senior A Lotn
Senior A Year 10A Year LOB Year 9A Year 9B Year 8A Year 8B Grade ~Planing~ 'Bad' 'Bad~~ a" Bad 5th 6th Open
Cricket Grade Placing
4th >a Div s
Sad XI Div3 Sal
a"' XI Div a I. "
I XI Dlv I 5th
Cross Country Age Group Placing
Ov"~,, F1adng: First 15 years 14years 1st I. "
16 year's 1st
17 years and
13 years I. "
^cotball Grade Placing
Year 8
Year 9 and
Year 10 and
enjor A 4th
Open 6th
Grade Plantrig
Senior A 7th
Junior 4th
Senior o Senior C I" 96 Senior A Senior B 100 11) Sad LOB 10A Open Sad 9A 7th Grade ,." 80 Sal 96 and ,." 86 I. " Sad 9B and ,." 8B 5th Placing Grade Placing ^,,^c G. en Group Grade Open Pairs Grade Apparatus Hoop, Clubs, Ball, Ribbon Sad Placing Grade Apparatus Placing BCP^Iby, Ban and Grade8 Apparatus Placing Rope, Hoop, Ribbon, Ball 5th Apparatus Rope 4th Placing Team I cotv I) Ball 4th ban Yr, 8A 2009 5th Yr 8B 8009 =4th Yi, 9B 2009 a. , Yr 10
Yr9A 8009 =Bad
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