2010 School Magazine
8010 bag been a rewarding year for the QGSSSA Badmniton team. The girls honed the wit countle8s rillB, sharpened their competitivene8s with practice games and came tricoti^I to ay at their best at this year's QGSSSA Competition. That8 to our wo fantastic coaches MB L Ohmi (8008) and Mr 11 Whe or and to our awesome co-ordinator Mr B Greatorex - without their guidance and encouragement we would not have had Such a great Be agon. anemia r. "," (183)
Basketl, The 8010 BaBketball season has been BUGoessful and all players demonstrated enthusiasm, determination and a competitive
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860 n place The Open team per orme superbly in a toll^I competition and played hard in every game to also earn them Belve8 a 8600nd place finish behind Brisbane State High School. in addition, the Open team entered the Champion Basketball School of Queensland Tournament. This tournament features the best school teams from across the State and we were unlucky to miss out on a medal, being narrowly defeated by Mountain Creek State High School <74~?I) in the bronze medal game. The SUGoe8B of tmB season 18 testament to be coaches (we would particularly like to thank Open 0080/1, With onoma Smith), parents, spectators, and. especially the girls' Langa B"""ett 0800 and for",. Davis 08B>, Captains
spirit - encouraging signs for the future of Grannni&r BasketbaU. Although 00 team secure a premiersb. ip, four out of eight teams were rumors up. The Year 88 performed well in a strong division, showing a strong sense of teamwork and determination. The Year 9 and 10 teams continued to improve this season and built on their previous performances. Special mention must go to the 9A team who recorded some very good wins and were remarkably consistent throngholit the season. The Senior A team w one of our most SUGce88ful teams and they supplied many of the 88880n menu^to. Their commendable team cohesion enabled them to finish in Cricket The role of Cricket Captain has been relaxed, fun, hectic and challenging all at the same time. Having the POSponBibmty of representing such a large number of girlB in a sport which 18 primarily played by men, definitely kept us on our toes! We focused our efforts on developing a squad that truly looked forward to attending training sessions and playing games. We held a big welcome breakfast to open the cricket 88880n, uBed water bombB for catching practice, roamt&tiled an 11nllmlted supply of loineB at trainings, had identical sweatb&rids for the whole squad and even baggy blue bats for the First XI. Captaintrig cricket although a challenge in it Bell was only part of our job - we 8180 had to lead from the front on the field and play good cricket. One of our fondeBt memories 18 of the Open XI'e last match of the season. The spirit of the team was kept alive to the very end owing to widefeat&ble
enth1181arn on and off the field. and despite being beaten on ting occasion we were sure the opposition wag defeated psychologically in the end. Congratulations must go to the Division a team for planing equal first on the QGS88A ladder - talong them to a well deeerved premiership. Being Cricket Captains of Brisbane Girls 61 h giver rug expertsrroe r
we would otherwise not have achieved. We wigh Groinmar Cricket a successful future and hope the spirit and traditionB of this great game continue to prosper. 50, the words 0 1000, "I don't like cricket, I love it. "
Tai, ,,,", Rana^e Czar. > and Annona ^Blueae <. 80> Captains
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