2010 School Magazine

^beatleesl^ort Theatres ports is drama improvisation. it is an enter tallmig and amusing activity that utilizes performance skins and develops confidence, teamwork and quick thinmng. This year, in preparation for the Theatres ports competition, we were lucky enough to have workshops run by Mr Drew Jarvis and Ms Louise Bremner, both professional actors and theatresports performers. Each workshop was very inspiring, providing information to improve our acting and teaching us skills to implement improvisationat techniques into each performance. Brisbane Girls Grammar School entered a team in the Brisbane Schools' Theatresports Competition which was held this year at the Anglican Church Grammar School. The team consisted of Anna Grantord (12B), Rose Grantord 00B), Charlotte 00ulton OOH), and Kitty 81mpson (100) and we Galled ourselves "The Grammar Geeks. " The competition comprises a series of 'games' performed on stage by each team for the audience. Bach performance is entirely improvised, which often produces much laughter from both the audience and the performers. Nthougli we were not one of the two teams (out of seven) that were selected to go through to the nexb round, all of the girls had a fabulous time. On behalf of an the Theatresports participants, I would like to express our thanks to our o0-0rdinator and coach, Ms R She rifleld The Jomon MePIe Weaver public spe competition 18 held every year and 18 open to Year 10 students, one representing each House. Each student's speech is based on a proverb or wise saying which she illustrates with her speech. Thus if she chooses "A stitch in time saves nine" her speech win not be about bow, if your hem comes down, you are better to put a stitch in it straight away or you mm have to sew up the whole hem 88 it will all come down. Rather, she win demonstrate in her speech that she understands that the meaning of the proverb 18 that if you move quickly to fix or COPTeot something, it win save a great deal of grief or bigger problems developing later. Each girl BpeakB for 4-6 minutes on her chosen topic. ^11:e, ele Weaver Kitty Stopson q00>


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This year has been an important growth year for GTP. minar Dance with three Grammar Dance groups rehearsing each week. Students in all three groups (Performance Group, Open intermediate and Year 8) performed in June before a School audience in the Gehrmann Theatre to an enthusiastic response. Money was raised through a gold coin entry donation for the Second Chance Program Dance teachers All Phnlips and Rachel Ward inspired their students with their commitment, expertise and creative choreography. We are looking forward to next year which promises more performances within the School as well as participation in wider public events. MB L ^bornquiat, Director of Creative Arts This competition is a formal occasion with 811 of he Junior School and staff in attendance at the Sports Centre. Judges this year were Mr G Bland, Mr A Dale and MB S Bolton. Judges mark students on their content or matter 88 well 88 their derivery and manner. This year's winner of the Junior Marie Weaver competition was Madeleine van Grabarn 00R). BEa " adoaL, 00.0, ,,,". tor untor Mene Weaver contestants and proverbs 20.0 Laura-June Apelt Am that guttere is not gold orbson England Madeline JODOs Beamand 88,811,100ahon Gritmh Madeleine van Grabam Absence makes the heart grow fonder Hireehfeld Pricebe TPOne

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A rumour goes in one ear and out many mouths You don't toow what you have tin it's gone

Only the wearer Iruows where the shoe pinches What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger

Nackay Kawa Vankatesb Wooleock Musaela Brusasco 0'00nno, Bang Loginbruggen

Youth 18 wasted on the young

A Bunooth sea never made a sinned marine, it is better to be Bale than sorry

Maddy McCarthy


School Magazine 801.0


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