2008 School Magazine
I^ The interact Club is a youth service group sponsore and supported by the Windsor Rotary Club. This year, under the guidance of Miss R Christopherson, the club grew to a membership of forty-five. Our studentleaders were: President, Lucy Fraser (12H), Vice President, Charlotte Beikoff (12H), Secretary, Jean Collings (12L) and Treasurer, Kate Broadley 01 L). Inspired by the Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC) presentation at the Interact conference in March, Lucy and Charlotte challenged the club to raise $20,000 to support one of ROMAC's patients ROMAC is an organisation that aims to transform a child's life by providing medical treatment for children under fifteen years old. These children are described as 'the forgotten children' from under-developed countries and suffer from facial disfigurement. ROMAC provides top surgical treatment for these children, which often involves assisting the families to travel to Australia for specialist care. This organisation was the focus for the Interact Committee's campaign this year Fundraising throughout the year included rocky road and cookie stalls, as well as the very popular sorbet stall on Open Day. We also featured gift card making for ROMAC patients. We were fortunate to have guest speaker, Dr J Arvier (a maxillo{acial surgeon), present a moving lecture about his experiences as a volunteer surgeon for ROMAC. The most successful fundraising event was the Term N raffle for the 'Wishing Tree'-a tree covered in prizes that went to one lucky winner Thanks to Miss R Christopherson for her organisation and support and to Mr B Thomas, our District Rotarian Member, for his-dedication and-encouragemen Congratulations and thanks to the entire Interact Committee for their commitment and contribution to a very successful year
11^;;;. A1:111P1^10MOTINO 01100t. .. 9 Health Promoting Schools (HPS) is a stude committee that aims to promote the impo of a healthy lifestyle in the Grammar coin The Committee has met regularly to rag of healthy lifestyle issues and plan fund is' The main event for this year was he during Ter I hosting a stall for Australia's Bigg orn'rig Te to raise money for the Cancer Counci . Than s to the cooking skills of the Committee members of the Student Council and Schoolista, if, the stall was well supplied with a delicious vat e of food and raised $527.20. The girls also worked wi several othe Coin ittees in the School to su p th ir ea th promoting initiatives. A sped thank you is extended to Mrs P Vize for nthusiastic support and guidance this year. ce ty. awareness events.
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