2008 School Magazine






F1'^. The School's peace and human rights group, with our open-air 'Stop Violence Against Women' concert in the CLC. Everyone Am ani, believes in the inherent dignity involved thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and value of every human being. Actively listening to the brilliant live music from some considering human rights helps us to of our own talented students, This concert recognise and respect that fundamental not only helped raise awareness of continuing worth in ourselves and in each other. This year we focused on raising awareness about women's rights abuses, but also helped to current and long-standing human rights issues fundraise through the sale of Amnesty merchandise. and also fundraised for our affiliated charity, Amnesty International. Sarah Clarke (9H), Elizabeth Kindred (I OH), This year has been very successful with plenty Lucy Wark (I I M), and Samantha Luck (12W) attended the 2008 Amnesty International of enthusiasm from our growing group of Youth Activate Conference. The conference interested girls' Am ani kicked off the year provided much inspiration to continue



combating human rights abuses via motivating presentations and discussions on some of the most pressing human rights issues today. This conference also gave the group a focus for the second half of the year-the situation in Tibet Open Day provided a good opportunity to raise awareness in the School and the wider community. Our theme 'Extending the Hand of Peace' was well received with many handprints being contributed. This year has been a great success for Am ani, and sets the stage for an even better year in 2009.

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I;^e, 4/2^ul/:^toll^-/^,.^'o0^^ The Animal Protection Society is a service group that is dedicated to helping animals. We meet once a fortnight to plan fundraising activities and share our thoughts on animal protection issues. We have three goals: to raise awareness of animals and their place in society; to provide services to community based animal welfare organisations, and to fundraise to support animal welfare groups.

and sold merchandise for the RSPCA and National Bilby Fund. We also welcomed a special guest speaker, Venerable Tencho, a Buddhist nun, who spoke to us about the treatment of animals The group aims to continue raising awareness of the significance of animals and their role in society. They are much more like humans than most would think They breathe the same air and live off similar food sources. This is why we fundraise to help combat the growing damage occurring to the world's fauna

Throughout the year we have been involved in many activities. The group held an Easter egg raffle to raise money for the Animal Welfare League, a Doggie Blanket sew-athon to keep the abandoned and injured animals in the RSPCA warm in the winter

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