2008 School Magazine
^/, Early in Term 111, the Year 12 Mathematics C cohort travelled to Dreamworld to gather data for our assignment from some of the park's biggest thrill rides. We arrived excited, nervous and wearing shirts professing our love of mathematics, ready to record the acceleration forces experienced by riders of the Giant Drop, Tower of Terror and the Claw-some of the feature rides of the theme park. An enjoyable and highly mathematical day was had by all. 648^IFZZ4 4"^"'14 172M 07 CZ, ^,^^-
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The annual Bridge Building with Brisbane Grammar, -\;*' School was a fun and social activity. it was held over \ *'.\* two days and involved learning some challenging * ,\ \.*'-, new skills. We were taught how to saw and drill, how ; ' ' to plan the bridge and develop a structure that would \;' be appropriate to carry a large amount of weight. It^ Overall it was a great learning experience which all 4; of the students enjoyed. \*' ""@E7 0^;4P^ !;9'01 - *\ '*;.
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When studying Chance and Data in Year 8, we had the opportunity to do the Sweet Shop Survey. We were employed by an independent research company to look into the number and the colour of sweets per pack. After all the hard work of estimating, counting and recording we ate all of the 1011ies! It was definitely a
During the unit on Measurement in Maths we conducted a fun experiment on the School's tennis courts measuring perimeters and areas. This was a great activity outside the classroom and we all enjoyed it. "4PEZ\, 10ffE@ 180
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The University of Queensland Science and Engineering Challenge was held in March and was thoroughly enjoyed by the thirty-two girls who participated. The Challenge emphasised creative thinking and teamwork. Activities included making hovercrafts, cracking codes and building bridges. "4"'61^/86\A, ,^^P^V4 iron
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