2008 School Magazine

I^chi010^^ 111 I^^ The teaching OF It^chnology Stt. Idies in its various forms aims to equip stridents with a set of skills that will both prepare them to be comfortable with the technology of today anti to respond with conf'idence and critical awareness to the technologies o^ tomorrow. Students provide a ref'100tion on their experiences within the F;^culty over the course of' the year.

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, ,/, I, ' do' , ' , Or I Information Technology Systems is one of the few subjects which actually focuses on the real-life applications of the skills being learnt in class. While acquiring extensive proficiency with industry-standard programs, an ITS student must additionally ensure that progress meets the needs of the client. By utilising a combination of real and simulated clients, the ITS programme offers the experience of working closely with a client like a real designer within the support network offered by the School environment ITS demands a very high standard of commitment but in return offers the development of important abilities such as flexibility, adaptability, organisation and creativity E;C7^ I;4, ?' 1/2^/ I

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With the deterioration of our world's environment, gaining knowledge of environmental sustainability is vital if we wish to continue

to live in a healthy world. For this reason, innovative Design is a very useful part of the ITS programme and a Grammar girl's education.

Students are challenged to create a sustainab e bus shelter which must first be planned, then sketched with Google SketchUp to create a 30 design and finally constructed as a model. The task is particularly relevant to our lives as many students do use buses to travel to and from school. Innovative

Design is an interesting and vital subject, one that leaves students with an understanding of many concepts involving sustainability and 30 spat a learning. ^, 8'1^;4"4^^,^9^4"'19W

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