2007 School Magazine

Sporting Highlights

Fencing Sporting Highlights DVD

Cross Country

This preparation included a number of meets in which the Girls Grammar blue overpowered every other school. The Interhouse Cross Country competition was a great success, with an excellent display of fitness, house colours and spirit. Building on the connection made by the 2006 Cross Country team, this year the squad was involved in a fun and greatly rewarding ‘High Five’ day with the Childhood Cancer Support to raise money in support of the association’s fantastic work, and we hope that this relationship continues for many years. The teams achieved outstanding results at QGSSSA, with three age

Champions for the 14th Year

the U17 Girls State Foil Championships. Nine Grammar girls also represented Queensland at the National Championships held in July — Helen Collyer (10G), Grace Cowderoy (11E), Anna Crawford (9B), Lucy Lee (10G), Stephanie Leung (12L), Martha Murray (12G), Lucy Posner (10E), Caitlin Sivyer (12L) and Victoria Taylor- Philip (11W). Although we took competition seriously, the year included many fun and memorable moments. With such a strong squad and the commitment shown by the girls and coaches, the

All girls performed very well in the first major competition

Such good results would not have been

The 2007 Cross Country team experienced another fantastic season, defending the QGSSSA cup for the 14th consecutive year. This season, perhaps more than any before, has proved that the spirit and culture of Girls Grammar Cross Country will continue for many years. The grueling fourteen week

which was the QAFA School Teams Foil Fixtures, however it was the Year 8s who shined. The Year 8 Division 1 team, consisting of Lauren Woo (8E), Moksha Maisuria (8E), Sarah Clarke (8H) and Kate Boys (8W), placed first in their division. This result, along with that of the other nine teams in the competition contributed to the Girls Grammar squad placing third overall. Girls also competed individually at the QAFA Individual School Competitions and State Championships. There were a number of particularly good individual results throughout the year — Kate Boys (8W) won the U13 Girls State Foil Championships and equalled third with Lucy Lee (10G) in the U15 event, while Grace Cowderoy (11E) won the U17 Girls State Epee Championships and equalled third in

En Garde!

possible without the support of the Co-ordinator, Mrs Dabelstein, an integral part of the team spirit of Girls Grammar Cross Country along with Mr Turner, Mr Ryan and Mr Joyce, who motivating the team. The spirited and cohesive atmosphere of the team has created the culture of Girls Grammar Cross Country which we hope will continue for many Grammar girls to enjoy in future years. Michele Williams (12O) and Sophie Harburg (12H) CAPTAINS spent the season constantly encouraging, organising and

The Girls Grammar fencing squad began strongly with record participation and a dedicated focus at training. Under the guidance of coaches Miss Jemima Cowderoy (2005) and Mr Creese the squad developed into an impressive and competitive group. With Head Coach, Mr Crook guiding the seniors and also individually assisting younger members of the fencing community, the Girls Grammar fencing squad became very cohesive with

season featured many fresh additions to the cross country programme, in addition to the events that the squad enjoys every year. This season welcomed a new team of coaches — Mr Turner, Mr Ryan and Mr Joyce, who,

future of Fencing at Girls Grammar will prove to be extremely exciting. Caitlin Sivyer (11) CAPTAIN

groups winning their title — 14, 16 and 17 years. The 15 year group achieved a close

friendships that will last long into their futures.

together with our Co-ordinator Mrs Dabelstein, developed an exciting programme for the team’s preparation.

second and the 13 years fought hard for third place.



movement was enforced across Australia

secured the place of Reserve Champions and one of our youngest team members, Chelsea Higgins (8L), was selected to represent Queensland at the Nationals Titles. After this amazing weekend the whole team was eagerly anticipating the finals of the Queensland Inter-School Equestrian Championships which were to be held during the September Holidays. A victory would have ensured that Brisbane Girls Grammar School would have retained the Lorette Wigan Cup for the eighth consecutive year. Unfortunately, owing to the outbreak of Equine Influenza in August, an unprecedented lockdown of all horse

Competitive Team Effort

Brisbane Girls Grammar School Equestrian began the year with two successful combined training days at Fig Tree Pocket Equestrian Centre. This provided the girls with the opportunity to meet fellow Equestrian Club members and develop their skills in their respective disciplines under the guidance of the Girls Grammar coaching staff. Along with the successful School events involving multiple weekend training days, Zoe Saxby (10G) became a member of the 2007 Equilibrium Queensland Junior Eventing Squad for the second time and is now competing at the top of the Queensland level. This year a large contingent of Grammar girls qualified to compete in the State Titles. The Maryborough State Titles for Interschool One Day Eventing were a great success and the team proved they were very competitive. The girls successfully

levels and won a number of extremely close games before being defeated by Wavell Heights State High School.

Strong Performers

which meant that all horse related events were cancelled for the remainder of the year. The

The participation of Girls Grammar Hockey Club in the local


and players united to compete in another successful QGSSSA season. The Senior teams (Open and Senior A) demonstrated their skills and team work. The Senior A team are to be commended for their massive goal scoring feats in every game. The Junior teams (Years 8, 9 and 10) continued to show their enthusiasm and development of game skills. Their dedication indicates that Girls Grammar hockey will be a prominent force for years to come. Girls Grammar was also involved in the State

Brisbane Women’s Hockey Association Competition has become an integral component of Grammar

This season saw many exemplary performances by players and teams in

news was such an anticlimax to what was posing to be a toughly fought State Championship Title. Congratulations to the team for their work, dedication and enthusiasm throughout the year. Thanks must go to our head coach Miss Wool, and coaches Miss Brett and Miss Siiankoski. Thanks must also go to our new Equestrian Co-ordinator Miss Stark for her support and organisation and to team member’s parents for their tireless efforts and support provided. Madeleine Davies (12H) and Belinda Templeton (12O) CAPTAINS

both the club and QGSSSA competitions. The amount of

Hockey life. Such involvement assisted in skills development and provided the opportunity for new players to become a part of the hockey community. Three teams were fielded in the Junior Turf One (J1) and Intermediate competitions respectively. The re- entrance into the J1 Competition is of

dedication shown by Coaches and Co-ordinators is greatly appreciated. The successful outcomes of the 2007 Hockey season

are a reflection of the enthusiasm, support and positive atmosphere of the Girls Grammar sporting community.

particular achievement, being the highest level of Hockey junior girls can compete amongst.

Medibank Private Competition. The

Kelly Roberts (12L) and Hannah Shepherd (12O) CAPTAINS

Under the guidance of Head Coach Miss Cathy Taylor-Alt,

team was made up of girls from all Year

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