2006 School Magazine
Year 8s
If Beanland bears ruled the world, Oh my, what a wonderful place. Everyone would be happy. There would be a smile on every face.
If asked what Beanland means to its bears, the answer would be seen not only in their words but through the pride in their voices, the smiles on their faces and the joy in their hearts. The girls have proved their spirit through the year by not wearing the PINK as an obligation, but by wearing it as a form of identity. This identity stems from the House Party held at the beginning of the year where the eager Year 8s are welcomed into our enthusiastic sleuth of bears. The cubs become a part of not just a House but a home, sustained by great Year 12s such as the House Prefects. In 2006 the Beanland Bears have continued to uphold the tradition as the ‘friendly House’, while also maintaining a strong drive for success in both academic and sporting areas of the School.
Year 8s
The success of Beanland began with the enormous effort displayed at Interhouse Swimming. This was followed by Cross Country in Term II which was fantastic as usual, with Beanland soaring in front and taking the title for Interhouse Cross Country for the second consecutive year. This year the Drama Captains chose the fresh, innovative play ‘Monkey’ for Interhouse Drama. This proved to be a great sensationwhen the younger girls exhibited their exceptional talent. Many surprises were in store for Beanland as we found a new passion for singing the Motown classic ‘Higher and Higher’ in the Interhouse Choir. With help from our Choir Captains we were transformed into a choir of energy and spirit, allowing the School to see that Beanland are taking it
higher and higher! The Interhouse event for Term III was athletics. All girls showed their pride in the House by running, jumping or throwing to their full potential. All their efforts were met with resounding success when Beanland House was placed second overall, Megan Rutherford (12), Bethany Holt (9) and Sarah Wilson (11) were named Athletics Age Champions, and Bethany Holt (9) was named joint School Athletics Champion. Yes, if BeanlandBears ruledtheworld, What awonderful life this would be. Tygar Taylor and Eloise Whitton House Captains
Year 10s
Year 12s
Year 9s
Year 8s
Year 8s
Year 12s
Year 11s
20 06
Year 12s
Br isbane Gir ls Grammar School
school magazine
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