2006 School Magazine

creative Arts

creative Arts

Fresh Cuts in the Creative Arts

Classroom Drama and Music collaborated to create two exciting cross-arts performance opportunities for their students — Cre8tive Connections andYuku Toshi. Yuku Toshi also involvedVisual Art student artwork.

Groups experimented with ideas

Year 8 students rehearse

Cre8tive Connections Year 8 Drama classes focused on developing strong performance skills of focus and energy as well as exploring vocal and movement techniques. Year 8 Music classes explored ensemble singing techniques to support their dramatic movement pieces. The classes then combined to compose a flowing thematic production entitled “Elements in Motion” in response to the theme of water: a life-giving force and a celebration of nature.

Sally Fry (11H).

Sally Fry (11H)

piano, bassoon, percussion, voices and more in this experimental and improvisation based experience. Year 12 students also collaborated in the project, performing a contemporary Australian work.

sounds. The process involved not only the manipulation and synergising of digital technologies but also traditional art skills including composing, editing and colour manipulation. These images were the source of those used in Yuku Toshi.

Year 11 Visual Art students volunteered to adapt their artworks derived from an earlier assessment piece for Yuku Toshi. Each girl was assigned a season as a symbol of the passing of time. The students edited their artwork to fit in with the theme of the production and to matchtheperformances.Theimages were then projected full-size on to the wall of the theatre. They looked amazing! Year 11 Classroom Music students used this performance opportunity to experiment with a different style of music, composed in class using given folk melodies and improvised ostinati (repeated melodic and rhythmic fragments). The girls settled on a final arrangement of the music before performing their compositions live in Yuku Toshi. A wide variety of instruments were used including guitar, saxophone, Sally Fry (11H)

Yuku Toshi Years 9 and 10 Drama students participated in the production of Yuku Toshi — the passing year. The idea was to choreograph representations of the four seasons through various movement styles including contemporary dance, Kabuki and traditional Japanese movements. This was a student-driven production where we worked in small groups to come up with ideas based on image and word based stimulus. We enjoyed the close interaction of our groups, learning about our individual potential and the excitement of performing in front of a live audience.

Stephanie Lloyd (11H)

Mrs Jacqueline Colwill Director

Year 11Visual Art Students undertook a folio task in Term I incorporating digital photography, moving images and soundscapes.Thestudentscompleted innovative photographic shoots based on the concept “in the blink of an eye”. The resulting photographs were altered and enhanced in Photoshop and then imported intoPhotostory3 to be animated using a variety of speed and motion effects. Soundscapes to accompany the visuals were created in Audacity using self-recorded and commercial

Alexandra Phillips (10E) and Stephanie Aroney (10W)

Chang (8L)

Gemma Beckingham (8L) and Ruby provided the background music

Contemporary dance, Kabuki and traditional Japanese movements

Julia Colwill (11G)

20 06



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