2006 School Magazine


VivalasVegas TheYear 11 Charity Event The Combined Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School Year 11 Charity Event was held at the Victoria Park Function Complex. After many hours of discussion and preparation in the weeks before and with our fingers sore from tying countless balloons, the committee saw their plans for the evening unfold.


The night was fantastic. The Vegas theme included a cameo appearance from Elvis, a Vegas wedding chapel and dance floor canopy of balloons. The food, the music and the dresses.... all looked good! The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly with the dance floor electric for the duration of the evening. TheYear 11 students frombothSchoolsnominatedQueenslandSurf Lifesaving as their chosen charity. Fundraising began on the last day of Term II when the Year 11 girls mixed with the Brisbane Grammar School boys for a BBQ and Bands lunchtime event to showcase the musical talents from each School. A portion of the ticket price from the charity evening was also donated to make a total of $2000 raised for Queensland Surf Lifesaving.


Susannah Plant (11E)

20 06



Br isbane Gir ls Grammar School

school magazine

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