2004 School Magazine



Mackay House:The Culture


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House Parry fun and games





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Above: Sports Captains. Jess and Beck Below: Cross Country winners

Mr Bland, Mrs Akers, and Mrs Serisier for their enthusiastic support throughout the year Also to the Year 125 your friendship and support over the last five years has made my time in Macley unforgettable. Thank you to the Sport Captains Bec and Jess. A personal thank you must also go to Caroline Gasteen, the Mackay vice House Captain for her continual support and efforts 2004 has been a year to remember. On behalf of all the Year 12 Mackay Angels 'good- bye and thank you for the memories'. We wish Mackay all the best in 2005

did a greatJob organising the Mackay athletes for the day. The House backed up their strong performance in Cross Country by placing a welldeserved third Year 8 Sally Taylor must be congratulated on being awarded the Under 13 Individual Age Champion Open Day was organised by the Year I I s who put together a Flower and Face Painting Stall This class spent hours decorating and preparing hundreds of flowers This year the House focused on fundraising for the Cerebral Palsy League and Charity Captain Deborah Tan fully supported each fundraising event. The Year 9 Mackay angels spent several lunch times selling hundreds of toffees Thanks must go to Mrs Carroll and the House Group Teachers Ms Duty, Mrs Sharma,

Glare Nor+, L House Captain

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