2004 School Magazine

044 Faculties:Mathematics




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>. Studying a university subject while completing Year 12 is not everyone idea of fun but for those who take up the challenge, the reward is a semesters credit for a university subject. Year 12 Accounting students, Jien-Mae Tan 112Hj, Josephine Lain 1120j, Jade Sarah 11 201 and Claire Harrison 112Bj took up this challenge in 2004 Visiting the OUT Gardens Point campus for lectures and sitting examinations with other university students can be a bit daunting but having survived this challenge, these students will feel much more confident in approaching the same tasks at university next year

Professor vim Broilsford, Head of UO Business School. presenting the Brisbane Girls Grammar School team with their 'Group Innovation Award" at the Engaging Business Conference at the University of Queensland Business School at IPswich on Friday 23 July 'I^\ Q .I^^^^, Is I ^^"Less .^^a. ., LOO B44sit, Less ^^^^.^^11. 004,11'e re 4,108 >. UO Business School opened its doors to Year I Z students in July so that they could experience a typical day at "uni". What is a typical day at uni? Eat. listen, think and be rewarded for hard work. Apart from morning tea and a pizza lunch, the day involved a series of lectures to about 150 participants from 12 schools Forensics, and Working in High Performance Teams were well presented and after each presentation the students were given a case study or problem to solve. The opportunity to workshop the tasks after the presentations was a highlight for the students as it provided an opportunity to work together as a team exchanging ideas and developing interesting and creative solutions. The group representing Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Julia Uoyd 112Hj, Arianda Kearney112Gj, Emma Gibson I 12Gj, Jaclyn Vos100112Lj, Claim Harrison 112Bj. Hannah Turner 112Bl, Claire Howard 1120j, Cherie Hansen 1120j and Tegan Watts I 12Wj was announced as the days 'winners' for consistently producing the most innovative and yet practical solutions to the tasks or case study problems The presentations on Cybercrime in Australia. eCommerce and Intrusive

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>.. Grammar Practice Firm, GPF Industries, is the virtual company run co operativeIy by students at Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School. This is an extra

Mrs p eye'a ' Head of Accounting

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