2004 School Magazine

042 Faculties:Mathematics




>.- The Mathematics Faculty consisting of the Mathematics, Accounting and

Information, Processing and Technology Departments strives to challenge students to focus on the nature and application of these subjects in the world around them through activities that develop skills in applying concepts in both unfamiliar and familiar situations. \Whenever possible we try to relate the work of the classroom to real world activities that will stimulate the girls' imaginations and encourage them to recognise the links that exist between the processes they are learning, the problems they are solving and the role of these sui^Iect areas in both daily living and their wider application in society My 6 By0, "1181j Director


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>..- This eara rg n inberofgirls participated in a wide range of Mathematics competitions. Twenty girls from Years 8, 9 a d I O

Priyomi Minala u 861 earned a

Problem Solving Competition I This 15 a record number of entries from Brisbane Girls

I inchon in the Juni r . ar 81 Division of

Challenge Grammar School and a very encouraging Based on their excellent performances on sign that our girls continue to embrace the the ath Challenge for Young Australians, task of challenging themselves to achieve to J Iia Wills and ATnie Tong were subsequently their potential vit to attempt the int rinediate Some nine hundred students across the Mathematics Olympiad. his Uewel in the School attempted the rustralian Mathematics Crown" of Maths Competitions 15 a gruelling Competition for the Westpac Awards in fourhour examination with questions of a July. This competition is always embraced very demanding nature requiring significant with enthusiasm and the girls were eagerly insight and lateral thinking awaiting their results at the time of printing in June, a total of 47 students from Years 8 to 12 attempted the challenging Queensland Mr R Bow, "A, ,I Association of Mathematics Teachers ionMT Competitions Conrdinator

art pled the Maths Challenge for Young Australians earlier in t e a . is requir the students to solve six problems of considerable complexity. Our heartiest congratulations go to Julia Wills 19Mj and innie Tong 11 OBI who both earned High Distinctions in the intermediate IYear 9 and I01 Division. There were other noteworthy performances by Priya Kevat 19M), Winnie Pai 19BI Julianna Tsa0 19Bj and Any Hsiao I I Owl, all of whom earned a Distinction

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