2004 School Magazine


Faculties:Learning Resources



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The Yabba Skyline Traverse covered a combined skills to solve numerous problems, whilst keeping in mind what behaviours help distance of 35km from Kenjiworth to the Centre. The walk included navigating along teams to achieve creeks and up and along a skyline ridge interdependence was a key theme in which afforded some spectacular scenery the Year 9 programme. The girls were encouraged to think about the parr they play The climb onto the ridge encouraged the in the group and what they are contributing. girls to apply a variety of strategies for I^icing challenges This was a particularly important concept Those who chose Wrattens Ride set on their 2<1ay canoeing and bike touring themselves the admirable task of cycling expedition approximately I 00km through State Forest Two completely newjourneys were on back to the Centre. Hills and sore backsides offer for the CUIminating Year I O experiences didn't make this an easy endeavour but these Two classes attending together provided opportunity for girls to have some choice of girls were committed and determined to complete theirjourney a preferred journey

>--- fun exciting array of learning

experiences have continued to be parr of the Outdoor Education Programmes. The activities have positively challenged each year level, while also providing opportunity to develop personal independence and skills for working with others A popular parr of the introductory Year 8 programme was Team Challenge Day Students enjoyed the responsibility and adventure of navigating themselves around the 758cre property, using map and compass and cracking cryptic clues along the way. The small teams applied their

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