2004 School Magazine


Creations:Original Works



Suzannah Bentley 12G

Chelsea Salisbury 10L

Cons+"^10+ions O^ S^1/'

Background noise leans baiting Iy against the door Aba doned, televis'on gunfire sprays the living room - Spend a nigh with 'Friends' at the fl'ck of a switch! The remote lies lazy in flickering blue, arms reach, but I don't move Better to marinate the mind in snap, crackle, pop! Than have it ask Why, two hours later I'm still sitting here it questions anyway, Between bargain prices, canned laughter looped news reels Cut the power iaione againj; Usten A1'Id I answer with the slight comfort of rehearsal That all this nothingness 15 not Who I Am Reinforced while sleep arrives later than usual

>.. This mornings reflection is Of self-assured adolescence Eroding to middleage,

Time reeling the skin like a nailing fish Later driving past advertised flesh, Running late, and it makes me t Ink- At six Old was a million light years away, Ten years later the clocks seem louder

Especially at night, Or maybe sleep 15Just further away Why worry? Ibe happyj. in the world of Today Your Future is bright, Flashing neon at the intersection of every decision incubated in media womb Who You are 15 less important than who you out-vote Entertaining, but it begs the question MSN lets you chat to your friends Onlinel Schooldays strung together by linguistic abortion, Conversation where meaning never reaches full term But at least nobody 15 alone in this world wide web Home Night is lost in computer glow,


Maybe because of the clock, Ticking knowing Iy on the wall

Jacinta Apelt 9G

NioOl@. SCO++ 11E 2004 Winner: The Betiy Woolcock Challenge Cup

Later Head down,

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