2004 School Magazine
116 Co-curriculum
Re. G. di o^^IP .... This year has been an excellent one for the Beanland Memorial Library Reading Group as membership has continued to grow with many new girls, primarily from Years 8 to I O, ^ participating in group-activities. These new members have brought innovative ideas and renewed enthusiasm to the fortnight!y meetings - under the supervision of Mrs Adams - when discussing the latest reading material and authors Although not obligatory, many members have continued to write reviews about the new books in the Library which can be found on the Reading Group web page on GrammarNet Fantasy/science fiction has remained the favourite genre of the group and friendly debates often rage over favourit authors and plotlines, not to mention the sharing of book recommendations in keeping with the Head Girls' theme of Get Born!, which aimed to increase
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inspired to take part in the Multiple Sclerosis Readathon of 2004. Approximately half of the group rook part in the Readathon, reading books and collecting funds over the semester holidays. All of the money raised by the girls was donated to the Multiple Sclerosis Association of Australia to be used in either Improving the living standards of Multiple Sclerosis sufferers or towards the continuing research for a cure The Reading Group also exhibited a stall on Open Day, giving out pamphlets
and bookmarks in order to encourage membership and support amongst the incoming Year 8 girls' We hope to see increased membership and awareness about the Reading Group in 2005 and we welcome students from across the School spectrum to Join In
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awareness and participation in our community, the Reading Group was
Team Leaders
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As we climbed the vertical mountainous rock face wall, we felt a sense of excitement and a rush of adrenaline. .. mission could be impossible. We looked down and heard our rockclimbing friends cheering loudly. We paused to smell the musty wall, and thought of those who had gone before. Our muscles ached and our mouths were dry from exhaustion. We felt our high, tight harness, and our belayerS gentle tug on the rope. We knew we must climb on We have had a successful rockclimbing year and all participants have improved and strengthened in performance. The walls were rerocked over the Christmas holidays, which added another dimension to the challengers. Term 11 saw the welcome
of 20 new enthusiastic Year 85 with many now climbing the big wall. Rockclimbing training sessions are not all hard work as we enjoy socialising while belaying inot climbing I and small exercises and stretches conducted by the two Amys This year also saw the first ever rockclimbing breakfast. Every team-mate eruoyed their chocolate chip pancakes Iwhich resembled rockclimbing walls!I Thanks must go to Mr Greatorex for watching and helping, Jenny O'Brien and Dimity' Treloar for assisting Mr Greatorex and team- mates in their rockclimbing endeavours Finally thank you to all rockclimbers, for their commitment, which made this year a success!
A, "11 COOK (I^B) * A, "11 Sith (I^e) Honorary Rockclimbing Captains
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