2004 School Magazine



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Large Image: Undefeated premiers, 9B, in action Above: Opens in action' Jade MacLeod 112Mj ICaptainj passing and L-R me11a Gorrie 11 IL!. Sarah Davies 11 IQ and Mirenda Smart 112Rj ICaptainj Right: The anxious 9B sideline Far Right The elusive Eirebeth Eininett 18Hj. 84 team

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>-- Touch is a relatively new sport for

team and their coaches, Jillian Hogan and Brisbane Girls Grammar and considering Anna Taylor both previous Grammar Touch 2004 is only its fourth season, its players. Best and fairest players were MIChele development has been remarkable. Williams 1901 for the 9As and NICole Yuen Two hundred and fifty students trialled 19Gj for the 9Bs for the teams and displayed interest, The Year I O teams also had a successful motivation and talent from the outset. 2004 season. The I OAS coached by Dean The Year 8 teams coached by Andrew Bell 51ade, recorded 5 wins and placed 4th and Peta Cartge had a very successful flat overall. The I OBs coached by Diane Grimn, season. The 8A team recorded 4 wins and recorded 2 wins. The best and fairest awards the 8B team recorded 3. Both teams came went to Natalie Davies 11 0Ej for the I OAS fifth on the aGSSS, '\ ladder The best and and NICole Stoddart 11 0Mj for the I OBs fairest awards were presented to MeIanie The Senior A team began the season Wilkinson 18Lj for the 8As and Cassandra with the minimum number of players, but Jeavons IBGj for the BBS overcame this problem with the help of The Year 9s had the most successful season several new and enthusiastic recruits. Under with both teams winning premierships, the the coaching of Carly Bell, they developed 9Bs completing the season undefeated. This new skills and improved noticeably. This is the teams second consecutive premiership eventually CUIminated in an exciting win and congratulations must go to the whole The best and fairest award was presented to

Marianne Seville 11 I Ej The Open team had its most successful season to date recording an exciting win against arch rivals IPswich Girls Grammar School, doubling their score and placing 8th in the competition. Annie George. the Open coach, enabled the team to develop many fundamental skills that ensured a successful season. The best and fairest award went to Mrsnda Smart 112Rj Touch is the fastest growing sport at Grammar and it the current level of interest and enthusiasm of the students, coaches and supporters continues, it is evident this sport at Brisbane Girls Grammar will have a very bright future Jade MgOL, od (12, A) * Mr^,,"on S, "^,+ (12R) Captains

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