2004 School Magazine
Sport:Rhythmic Gymnastics RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS >
A Grade pairs. Phoebe Pullen 110Gjand Kristy. Sendrett112Lj
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>-- Rhythmic Gymnastics is a display of
The A Grade groups performed outstandingly especially one of the Hoop
grace and ability as well as a sport of great proficiency and strength. This year was no exception. Brisbane Girls Grammar School made history by placing first in every category of an expanded competition. In 2004, the Rhythmic Gymnastics @GSSS, A competition Increased number of d' 1510n gave more gymnasts the opportunity to compete. With the intr@duct'@n of an Open Squad, six premierships became available O her addi '@ns to the eas@n were a compulsory body session for all gymnasts each Monday morning, a in@ e coinprehens've handbook about the sport, and two new Head Coaches in the form of Andrea Noon and Gelia Corones, both past Grammar captains of the sport Training and lunchtime run-throughs grew in intensity, CUIminating in the traditional staff preview the day before the aGSSs, at competition on Friday, 6 August On the day, the Open Hoop Pair of Any Pater 112. Bj and Gelt Wils@n 1100j achieved the highest score of the evening un the pairs competition and steered the Open Pairs to a premiership in combination with the Ball Pair of Niti Sheth I I 001 and Lauren Burr@w I 12Wj The Open Group placed first ahead of St Peters, our traditional rivals in this event
groups who came first of 7 teams; the Ball group first of 7 teams; and the Combination group placing fi t of 3 teams. These three groups achieved the pennant, determined by combining the cores of each Schools best three groups from different apparatus The B Grade pennant was determined by combining the best two scores from different apparatus. For Grammar the Hoop and Ball groups combined to score the highest B Grade points on the day The Year 8 11 competition saw us place first of eight schools and dominate the Year 81iij competition placing first and third of 6 teams This was a fine introduction to Rhythmic Gymnastics for the 85 and we hope these girls will remain involved in this beautiful sport All gymnasts are to be congratulated on their outstanding performances and the manner in which they represented their School vie+orig. Cane"off (12R) * A, " P^I:+!^r (128 Captains
A Grade Ball routine
Year 8 1111 hoop
Open ribbon group in performance
Ceit W!150n 1100j and Amy Paler 112Bj, Open Pairs
Graceful A grade ball routine
Year 8111 hoop
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