2004 School Magazine





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Prepared for the penalty corner hitout. NICole Cheales 112Rj itI and 519rid Mewing 111Gj



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Year 9 player Bellnda Templeron 1901. powerful in attack




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Year 8 White discuss tactics

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>.- 2004 has proven to be one of Grammars most successful Hockey seasons. The aGSSSA competition was awash with Grammar success recording three first places, three seconds and a sixth, the well-deserved results of hard work, skill and dedication. With a full complement of teams ICOmprising I 03 playersj and an additional Year 8 team, Grammar Hockey was definitely a powerful force The Open team set their goals early, aiming for their third consecutive premiership. Weeks of hard training and the new day training camp format set the foundations for strong skill development and team play. Their efforts resulted in ajoinr premiership with Brisbane State High. The Senior A team also played extremely well all season to win the pennant, showing consistent play with the Senior B team placed a well-deserved second. This was a stunning way for many of our Year I2 players to finish their Grammar Hockey careers All senior teams set a great example for the younger generation to follow with their team


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spirit, enthusiasm, dedication and skill The Year I O results were promising, drawing on their depth to place second in their division, whilst the Year 8 Blue team were undefeated until their last game of the season against Moreton Bay College The Year 8 White team was forever challenging 8 Blue at training, resulting in a credible sixth place in what was a very strong competition However perhaps our most outstanding team were the stunning Year 95, who won all of their games in convincing fashion, displaying versatility, cohesion and an excellent talent pool of players' All of these teams are promising great things for the future J I and J5, the two BWl-,'\ club teams, made Grammar proud with their solid performances on the hockey field. Special congratulations must go to the J5 team

who narrowly missed a place in the Grand Final. Considering many of the players were relatively new to the game, this was a great achievement This season was aimed at maintaining the high standards that Grammar Hockey 15 renowned for. Team bonding and leadership was demonstrated at all levels both on and off the field. Our results show that we managed to stay true to Grammars outstanding reputation and that Grammar Hockey 15 and will continue to be a force to be reckoned with Thanks to all of our coaches, without whom we would not have been able to achieve such amazing results

Hong. Barter ( 126) * Moate Omen. 18s (12R) Captains

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