2004 School Magazine
Sport Fencing
Grace Cowder0^, (86 ) o0v", e+I+jot^, unode 1.1
T4'104,1841Ya. I 64'Lootlrm. 88,484, I+ Awardee, Fill". r^- Mar+ItL (110)
Two OF +,. a qt4ee4-. SIA4-Id Sabre Tea, ", Jade Saya, . (120) (L) w, .o planed third, nitd Catch*."a Wit+ (128)
Foils, ^-pees o^-^, d. so^. bras
fencei' \Alito ITas showi. tealT, alla school spilll. thougl. a coiniititlitei. ! 10 TITe sport and training. acqL!11ii. g new skills and exlTibi!ing a positive alliiude aiTd good spoilsiT, 3.5hip 11 15 a CUSIoitt-Inade ifop!, y displayiirg a gold- dipped foil handle o111bedded in a cii'CLIlai woodeiT brand The in aLigui'al Iroph), w, 15 awai'ded 10 Hilaiy Martin This yeai' it's been \, eiy 5.1ccessfu! ai\d Ihis was due to the dedicatioi. . entl. us Iasiii pelseverai. ce and haid \\, o1'k of tile gills thentselves. as well as oLii' Fencing Coordinaio, Mrs P Vize. Thanks in us I 2115o be directed to Ihe Schools coaches. pasi 51Lidenr. Miss Pera MCGi'ath, alto Mi Pelul CIOok Will. oLit Iheir passion. Brisbaite Gills Giantittai' School could not it ave achieved litiS yC;lit \. vonderlLil resuliS
Tills coinpe!1110n. regardless of lis piestige. v\ 15 1101 lite focus and cullTiinaiioit of all the gills' it aid 11aiiting. A coningeni of girls coilsistiiT, of Jade Sala1.1120). Calo!ine Wall I 12Bj. Je!ttima Cowdei'oy 11 I a Hilaiy Malli!, 11 I 01. Roseiitai'y Pyaii I I I H! 10/1/'11ei' CGIciiiz 19Hj. Maima Muii'ay 19.1 ai. cl Feliciry, Maliii. 1801. travelled to Sydney on line I JLily 10 coinpete in Ihe U 17 and U 15 Cader Chainpioitsl. ips Gills Gi"11,111eir entered two learns 11t 11Te Nciiioita! Sc1. o015 event. Flitd achieved 31'd and 5111 places. Possibly the 91'cares I ,ichievemeni by 501.1e or lite gills \\, as 10 be seiecicd foi Ihe Cueeitsla!Tcl Sable 10a!IT which placed I 51 The girls \v!, o fenced lit this leant were Jeide Sarah. who PITcd c. qual 3rd overall in Ihe 5,101'e. Caroline Wari. d Hilai'y Mai'1111 The fencing coiniiTui"icy inaugurated a prestigious prize 11.15 year' 11Te Fencing EncoLirageniei. I Awai'd. preseiTted to the
>-- This year Fencing at Brisbane Girls
Grammar School got off to a great start with 30 new girls signing on. By Second Term, several teams of girls had started to participate in the Invitation al Fixtures held at Brisbane Grammar School. All the teams who entered fenced coinmendably, and our Schools excellent reputation was up held. Most teams achieved a placing of I st, 2nd or 3rd, the best result being I st from the U14 White team and the U16 FoilTeam. A seiectjolt or gills also coinpered lit vai'10's Ginei' School alto stale coinpeiit101.5 as \-\, ell as un, o it, 11/01/'11 level colltpe!1/10/15 Tite first of Ihese. lite D. H. Mackeiizie. 15 an open level collipCt111.1. '11/1ac!1.9 CLIi'rent and forme!' OMITpic slaindai'd fenceis The girls who aliended did 0.0e!151aitd PIOLid Tile 11,051 1.01able acco!ITplishiticitt v\ Eis 1101ii Jade SaintT 1128jv\, 1.0 fencecl" all 11.1cc wealpoi. s foil. epee einci sabre
Carol^ite Wit+ (128) Captain
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