2003 School Magazine
raffled a signed Queensland Red's shirt and a wide selection of body products. The raffle itself raised $4,172 for the Cancer Fund. The end of 2003 brought another Year to a close for The Health Promoting Schools Committee. There are many people in the committee must thank. Firstly, the co- ordinator of the HPS Committee, Mrs P Harvey-Short, not only is she the co- ordinator for this group but for the entire Physical Eduction Faculty. Her tireless efforts throughout this Year have been above and beyond the call of duty and the time that she takes to direct the group 15 To all our members, it is You who have enabled the group to participate in the various activities and engaged in the School community. Thank You for Your involvement why HPS is a continual success
with firm foundations for the group remainder of the Year and resulted in a superb effort with over $500 raised. Involvement in Heart Week is one of Brisbane Girls Grammar School's traditional activities. The Year Eights participated in Jump Rope for Hearts, and staff versus students netball game was organised as well as aerobics. These activities offered the entire School population an opportunity to be involved and this is what made the week a success. Australia's Biggest Morning tea, which was held on Thursday 22 May, provided another event that resulted in the raising of $275 for the Cancer Fund through the sales of biscuits, cakes, muffins and milkshakes Red Nose Day and Daffodil Day allowed the Year Eights and Tens an opportunity to an event as well as raise organise awareness of the diseases involved. The annual Open Day allowed the group an opportunity for self promotion, when HPS
The Health Promoting Schools Committee is a group within the School that assists to promote a healthy balance through school life. The committee aims to raise awareness in various health weeks by participation relevant to our students' Once again the HPS Committee had another successful Year, assisted by the positive contributions The Anti-Bullying Sub-Committee arranged Year assembly skits to target the issue of schoolyard bullying. Not only did these skits provide a fun form of entertainment, but they also raised awareness of the subject of bullying in a discrete but informative manner. The first awareness day was International Women's Day. This was most appropriate to the School and allowed the girls to gain an understanding of women's issues. Following on from this was the first fundraiser for the March, Bow Tie Week. in aid of year In muscular dystrophy. The event provided the and enthusiasm of the members.
and time in 2003.
Gemma Deal
Third Row it-R): A1yce Frew, Lydia Elysworthy. Elizabeth Talbot, Katherine Hogarth, Emma Platz Second Row (Uru: Angela Sheu. The a Taylor, Holly Duncan, Madelyne Prowse, Emily MCRae. Kirby Short, ru ence ea ey. Front Row IL-Rj: Rhiannon Starr-Thomas, A1anna Platz. Mrs P. Harvey-Short, Gemma Deal ICaptain), Kristy Scandrett, an eep i
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