2002 School Magazine
faculties language and literacies
Centre for Language and Literscies Students at all year levels have been exposed to a wealth of language experiences this year through their classroom studies and 'riteract'ons with a range of visiting authors, co-operative activities and Sister School guests In February. Year 12 English students enjoyed a spirited dramatic performance on Shakespeare's women from the Grin and TonicTheatre company. This production served as a lively introduction to the beauty. passion and humour that epitomises Shakespearean language and their class study of Romeo andJufiet. A valued addition to the Year 115 focus on life-writing in term one was a presentation by award-winning journalist, war correspondent and novelist, Geraldine Brooks. The students were enthralled by her captivating stories of her experiences in war-torn Afghanistan, her imprisonment in Africa as a journalist, her conversations with Islamic women, and the inspiration that has shaped her writing Year 10 English students have been introduced to a taste of Senior English studies with their adoption of critical literacy approaches to set texts and their experiences with different teachers in their study of Elective novels. Thanks to the co-operative involvement with staff from Learning Technologies, all Year 9 students were able to create their own Cyber Poems related to their class drama texts. The girls' dynamic. visual and audio interpretations of their poems can be viewed on GrammarNet Year 8 0'Connor was delighted when Kierin Meehan, the author of their class study novel, came to share her deas on crafting characters and storyines with them
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Language Week 2002 brought a feast of language and cultural experiences The Language Week Assembly in July, ably organised and scripted by Year 11 students, Gabriella Ritchie, Jocelyn Knight. Anna Taylor and Sophie Michieletto, involved a large cast of English and LOTE students. The girls' speeches explored the power of language to define meaning, shape inspiration and fire the imagination as a succession of dramatic happenings illustrated their ideas, from elegant Japanese dancers introducing the Assembly to a PowerPoint presentation on how great works of literature have inspired popular films. Students of Japanese, including our eXchange student, Azusa Sato, demonstrated why clarity of meaning in communication is so important. Year 8 and 9 Latin students presented "Popoculus nauta sum': Rock-climbers scaled the climbing wall h a symbolic storming of the Bastille, complete with patriotic flag waving Language Week was busy with a range of activities and competitions. Students from all levels and all subjects contributed to building a Wall of Words in the L'brary The Tuckshop featured foods from different countries every day. Chloe Fadden and Anna Cronin were winners of the Very Short Story Competition and runners-up were Zoe Briggs and Cassandra Day. Laura Gillett Spender, lessica Rothnie, Annika Buwalda, Caroline Watt, Margaret Looke and Gemma Bond all were highly coinmended for their stories. Students could enjoy the lunch hour karate demonstration, game of boules or even the Great Debate against BOYS Grammar on the topic "That men are obsolete" Iwhich the girls won as the negat've teamj Year 9 French students were invited by BOYS Grammar to participate in their Bastille Day celebrations which were voted "formidable" by all participants
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