2002 School Magazine
Holly Clarke: A Unique Experience I was born and raised in Chinchilla, the heart of watermelon country. I attended Chinchilla State Primary School for seven Years and left behind family and friends I also gave up a favourite Friday afternoon ritual - chips and grew at the local bakery with my friends to start my secondary schooling at Grammar. It is now coffee at the nearby Gosh. However, when I return home the physical hard work in the melon patch refreshes my memory of the country air I miss in the city Over the past five Years at Grammar it has been an experience never to be forgotten. Starting with a full boarding house of 80 or so girls now down to a family size of seven. I have grown with these girls and learnt to adapt to the many personalities that boarding life presents and have been taught many life skills along the way. Grammar has provided me with all the opportunities to achieve the expectations I had when I packed my bagsin 1998 and headed to the city The most important thing is the close friendships I have made In and out of the Boarding House. The support we've shared is highly valued MY responsibilities included being a Year 10 House Senior in the day school but my real commitment was within the Boarding House ranging from the weekly roster of bin duty to organising the Boarders' Formal. A main goal was to enjoy my time. make the most of the opportunities and reach my potential in all areas of school life. I feel confident that having achieved these goals while at Grammar I may continue to follow these challenges when I leave school. It has been a unique experience to be part of the closing chapter of the history of boarding at Girls Grammar. I am grateful to everyone who has provided me with the opportunities of boarding and in particular my fellow boarders to whom I wish luck and will never forget
Boarders 2002
Back Row IL-Rl. Annabelle Vaughan. Breanna Ryan Front Row IL-in' Rosie Walden. Hope Adams. Holly Clarke. Victoria Fleming
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