2002 School Magazine

boa rdeis 73

a home away from home. We have remained the Youngest grade throughout our stay. and have seen the House shrink in size as we ourselves have grown. I have seen many changes to the House. and have watched as it is slowly taken over by the day school, but the seven girls have made sure that the boarding spirit still remains Boarding brings with it many daily frustrations, from the early morning wake up call of the leaf blower man. to Neighbours being switched off just before the clincher. Looking out the window at those dreaded "day girls' reminds me just how lucky the boarders are. Being able to wake up at 6.55am other household tasks regularly. in the Boarding House there 15 always another girl to talk to who 15 very familiar with the comings and goings of school life While these various advantages are available. boarding requires a great deal of independence. Many things have to be done for oneself for the first time in one's life, such as laundering of school uniforms and other clothes. Boarders have to arrange incidental school requirements such as buying cardboard or stationary needed daily. There is no parent readily available to check over one's school work or discuss how to approach a problem. be it social or For example. the short walk down two flights of stairs to the schoolyard meantlcould have an after 7158m wakeup call. Keep dreaming day girls! Although it also has its downsides Being a food enthusiast. the 6pm isharpj dinner. often resulted in my seeking refuge in a secret slash by 7.25pm I started off in the Boarding House for just a term. Yet grew to love having six sisters to Yell at, fight with, and declare war on and decided to stay. WWF Wrestling was a popular night time sporting event, which everyone somehow became involved in, whether it be on the sidelines, or right in there as part of the action. Along with WWF,

for basketball training, having time to have a leisurely breakfast, and school only being a stroll away are just some of the benefits I believe I have left my mark on this place, whether it be the mysterious broken banister. or the docna cover we helped "decorate" that remains confiscated till this day. Every boarder gets herself into trouble at some time, it just seems I was always there at the right time. I know the Year 12 Boarders of 2002 will leave Grammar with the knowledge that they were the last of a special breed school-based. I have developed respect and admiration for girls who have naturally developed these qualities of independence during their Years of boarding after experiencing the overwhelming job of having to do a lot more for myself MY short stays at the Girls Grammar Boarding House have been a great experience and a lot of fun. I feel privileged to have been one of the last girls to live in the Boarding House at the end of its long era andit E an experience I look forward to sharing with my children and grandchildren in the future I've also been Involved in hockey, swimming, water polo and rhythmic gymnastics. With sport and drama taking up most of my time in first term especially. I'd often use my two hour prep time wisely ~ taking a well deserved nap before a warm cup of Milo at supper. before preparing for the round two session at 9pm of WWF With all the fun times and experiences that being in this family of seven for a Year has to offer, boarding has been so valuable and the memories will last forever. Overall, it's been great to be able to be a part of Grammar Boarders in the final Year of the Boarding House

RDSie Walden: Boardihg House Reflection

Some might think because I'm from the country that I wear flannelette shirts, overalls and my hair in plaits. Actually, Woombye isn't really what I would consider a country town - You can see the McDonalds sign if You stand on the tank. I think our cane farm is more of a lump of land in the middle of everything I came to Grammar after seven Years at Woombye State School, and five Years later here I remain. Girls Grammar has proved to be what I expected and more, and the big Yellow building has become in stark contrast with my previous household situation. Changing from living only with my mother to staving with seven other girls I go to school with was a vastly different situation for me. To me. boarding life is a mixture between school camp and home life with a set of rules to cover the whole community in the community's best interest Boarding life has many advantages There is easy access to school facilities Each meal is prepared and cleaned up after with much assistance from the girls At home I am used to assisting with the preparation of meals and missing the start of Passions every afternoon. Other people in the Boarding House come from far and wide, like RDSi, and her sugar cane farm. But not me, just the same old Yarns that everyone has heard a thousand times before I went to a primary school of about 500 people. Graceville State School, very near to my home. I came to Girls Grammar in Year 8 and went straight into O'Connor House and finally came to my senses and began boarding in Year 12 Many people became envious of my Boarding House lifestyle





Jane O'She a: The Thoughts of on Occasional Boarder

in 2002. Boarding at Brisbane Girls Grammar was a new experience for me I have attended the School since 1998 and had only encountered boarding from an onlooker's perspective. I have spent most of my high school life as a day girl, living in both the northern and western inner suburban areas This Year my Mum has been required to travel on various business trips and while she has been away on these trips I have lived in the Boarding House MY experiences as a Boarder have been

Mijan Patterson: Memories That Lost Forever

MY name is Milan Patterson and I'm from Chelmer. Not too far away, but far enough. Most people think that boarders come from the country Not me, I just got sick and tired of

I' 14

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