2002 School Magazine



service coinmuni .

Campus Kindergarten Campus Kindergarten seeks to provide high standards of early childhood eduction programs that reflect the image of child as rich and competent. Their mission is to provide a safe, caring and stimulating learning environment for Young children. that is responsive to their rights, and respects the uniqueness of each child and their family Each of the children needs one on one activities as well as group activities to develop their skills of sharing equally. They need to be able to express themselves individually, eg. painting. collages and drawings Every child has full access to many different art tools and craft materials Teachers will often read stories to a group of two or three children. while everyone is off doing their own favourite thing. I wasn't there when outside playgrounds were used but there were a lot of cubbies and swings to play on I have made many valuable relationships, as each child is different. The way they respond to different scenarios is fascinating. There was one particular girl who was most intriguing. She is very quiet and independent, but, when alone. opens up I also made good friends with the staff My overall experience was extremely beneficial and enjoyable. I learned from the children. as they don't always want to do what You tell them. They can sometimes get aggressive and always want things their way. I have learned that You have to be patient and understanding. I contributed by helping around the area with tidying, and cleaning, but also interacting with the children by going down to their own level. painting and drawing with them. and reading them stories The experience was one that will stay with me for my entire life





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Ash!eigh Joints

Mrs Bell welcoming Dr Henther Beattie to the Service Conference

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