2002 School Magazine
BGS connections bridges
Building bridges with BGS During Term 3, Year 8 students participated in a collaborative activity with Brisbane Boys Grammar. The students constructed bridges made from paddle pop sticks. The test of the success of the bridge was measured by the strength to weight ratio of the bridge
The activity involved four stages
. Preparation and development of skills
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. Deciding on the type of bridge to be constructed and plan drawing
. Building the bridge and
. Testing the structural efficiency of the bridge
The experts display their winning bridge. it supported Softg without o tremor
During the preparation stage at the end of Term 2. students completed a number of activities designed to challenge them to think about the concepts necessary to build a successful bridge. What is the purpose of a bridge? What will make it stable? The students experienced the "feel" of stable shapes and investigated the forces involved in different types of bridges using an interactive web site They also completed a number of activities designed to develop their understanding of perspective to enable them to draw their bridge plans effectiveIy On the afternoon of the day prior to the bridge building students were familiarised with the problem that they needed to solve and the Bridge Building Code. A class of students from each school then worked together in groups of 5 or 6 to plan the bridge that they would bu'Id A day was then spent in bridge building followed by the testing a week later Bridges were weighed and loads were added. The bridge with the highest structural efficiency weighed 4409m and supported more than 50 kg. (We ran out of weights before the bridge broke. I This is a structural efficiency of more than 114
Small group work and peer interaction in a problem-solving process promoted both cognitive development and the use of critical thinking skills. individual group members faced with conflicting viewpoints attempted to clarify, analyse, negotiate and evaluate different points of view as they worked their way towards a solution Because boys and girls brought different views and experiences of the world to the activity, it was beneficial for all to have the opportunity to learn from each other and to build on their differing strengths. It is also hoped that through group activities which necessitated successful team interaction. effective communication and the opportunity to observe differing learning and working styles in action that all students benefited from the expertise of others - and had some fun h the process
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