2002 School Magazine
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After the busy May Concert Series, many of the advanced musicians performed in the Senior Instrumental and Vocal competitions. which CUIminated in the Artists in Concert Showcase with the four finalists wing for the R. T. and A. E. Ieffries Bursary This Year the Bursary was awarded to Year 12 student HeIen Godfrey who stunned the audience with her wonderful piano performance of Bach's Fuguein Cand Deux Polonaise by Chopin. HeIen also won the Wight Memorial Medal for the fourth time. The three other final ists Anna Rumbach. Kavita Paw. and Edwina George all received high praise from adjudicator Mr Max Olding for the quality and maturity of their performances Workshops were the focus for the junior and intermediate groups in Term Three Bands from St Josephs Gregory Terrace and Brisbane Grammar Schooljoined with ensembles from our band program in workshop situations, which were a great success musical Iy and socially. The combined String and Vocal Festival at Brisbane Grammar School saw over 300 students from several schools produce a massive string sound that was greatly appreciated by the audience. All students performed well and there was even an appearance of a guest conductor, the Pink Panther that entertained the audience and had the musicians in fits of laughter The senior groups spent third term preparing for the sixth Annual Gala Concert, that was 00 doubt the highlight of the Year. The concert. titled "Cinema Classics", saw City Hall transformed into a cinematic spectacular with decorations and special lighting effects. Musicians and staff brought together the demanding and impressive program that "wowed" the packed house and created some wonderful
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The Annual Inter house Choral Competition was a great success. once again. Lilley House won with their wonderful rendition of 'Horses'
A further highlight of the choral Year was the selection of the Chamber Singers to perform as an invited choir at Choralfest 2002 - the Australian National Choral Association Conference. They gave two very successful performances at St Stephens Cathedral and Mayne Hall, University of Queensland
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