2002 School Magazine

100kaemia committee

The Kirsten Jack Memorial Leukaemia Committee

In Term Two we had a "Gerberas for Mother's Day" stall. This was also a gre success with almost half the school ordering flowers. Thanks must go to all girls, staff and mothers for their support In Term Three the Committee had the second of its cake stalls, which was another hit with the student body, giving them a much-needed chocolate boost before their exams. Thank You again for all the hard work done by members in baking such yummy cakes This Year has been a fantastic experience for everybody. Many new friendships and skills were developed while working toward a common worthy cause, and it all proved to be a very enjoyable experience. The Committee must be coinmended for its great effort this Year. Special mention must also be made of the staff co- ordinators, Ms I. 0'5ullivan and Ms H. Forster for their constant guidance, enthusiasm and organisational abilities. Good luck to the Committee of 2003

Kirsten Jack. who died of Ieukaemia in 1977 was a student at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. Her friends established a memorial committee to raise awareness about the disease and to fundraise to help to support research Into the prevention of and cure for this disease. Since then the group has played an active role in improving the quality of life for local Ieukaemia sufferers This year has been very busy and rewarding for the Committee. Devoted and enthusiastic teamwork resulted in successful fundraising A special effort was also made this Year to raise awareness within the School community of Kiden Jack herself, the mission of the Memorial Leukaemia Committee, and the great progress that has been made in the treatment of childhood Ieukaemia In Term One at the Inter house Drama afternoon. members of the audience gave a gold coin donation at the door towards our fundraising. Over $500.00 was raised Many thanks to Mrs Murphy, the Drama staff and all the girls who gave wonderful performances and drew such a large audience. in this term we also had the first of our cake stalls, which was very successful due to the industrious mixing and baking by the girls and some bargaining skills on the day

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