2002 School Magazine

co-c r icu ar activi ies Am ani, animal protection and GECO

Am ani

Animal Protection Society The Animal Protection Society IAPSj is a group within the School committed to helping organisations such as the RSPCA. These organisations care for the injured, helpless and homeless animals. They aim to reduce cruelty and neglect to animals both big and small Our chosen organisation to assist this Year was the RSPCA. Our aim was to rais money to buy them a special type of camera that would provide a link to the Internet. People could then see the animals from their home before choosing t buy one. The aim is to help reduce the number of unwanted animals, as people see the size and breed of the animals before they choose to buy one APS has grown this Year, with a wide range of girls from all Year levels The response from Year 8 students has been promising with a large number of them turning up promptly every meeting. The girls have been enthusiastic in al fundraising events. At the swimming carnival we ran a 1011y stand, which was v successful for both buyers and sellers The effort the girls have put into the organisation is outstanding. Their willing participation has been much appreciated in assisting the APS Committee to run smoothly. The enthusiasm of the members aids the fundraising process, which, in turn aids the animals residing at the RSPCA

After several years of misunderstandings and confusion, it's time to set the record straight. Yes. Am ani is the name of a nature reserve in Tanzania, and of a municipality in Greece, but, a little closer to home. Am ani is the Brisbane Girls Grammar School social justice and human rights group. Once a week students from Years 8 to 12 meet with our dedicated staff members, Mrs Hadgraft and Ms Newell to discuss how we can. in our own small way, counter the devastating effects of human rights abuse, both at home in Australia. and on a larger international scale 2002 has proved to be an especially exciting and productive Year for all Involved in the group. In first semester we tackled the controversial issue of children in detention centres around Australia. As part of our awareness program Am ani members raised a large amount of money that Amnesty international used to help children in detention contact their parents on Mother's Day. The focus of second semester was also children, but in particular children enslaved abroad as prostitutes, factory workers and child soldiers. Am an I is a valuable forum in the BGGS community, where like-minded students have the opportunity to turn their discontent into action, and enjoy themselves at the same time

CIOre Applegorth ond Sophie MIChitletto

Meho!e Kerwin

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ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCIEPf EXECUTIVES it-R).' nono Will^bins, Lauren Roemermonn, Somontho HDughton, Hurleyl\, ppe" Nithole Kerwin


The School Day stall was our main fundraising event, with profits going towards Planet Ark and the Save the Koala Foundation

GECO - Grammar Environmental Conservation Organisation - is the only club within the School community dedicated to preserving and improving our environment. GECO has played a significant role in shaping the Grammar community. Our first task: improving the School and wider community's waste management GECO began the Year with "Clean Up Day" at the School's annual swimming carnival. This helped raise awareness about our environment and keeping it clean. with a competition held to see which House kept the cleanest throughout the duration of the carnival. England House was the winner and was rewarded for their co-operation with some yummy prizes GECO's fundraising efforts this Year have included supporting "Clean Up Australia Day", a Chupa-Chup Tree Raffle and the sale of plants at our School Day stall

Planning started for this event early in Term Three and many generous donations for local nurseries assisted GECO on School Day. The stall successfully sold flowering and herb plants and promoted "environmental friendliness" to its many customers Thanks must go to Mrs Woodford and all the members of GECO. Thank You also to the School community for their support throughout the Year. The organisation has had great success due to the enthus'astic commitment of both its student members and staff

Well done everyone!

Allonoh Box President

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