2002 School Magazine

debating co- curricular act'vities

Debating Debating has certainly been a vital component of life at Grammar throughout 2002. According to a certain well-known footballer, Ame Langer. "Football is like life : it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice. dedication and respect for authority. " As I was reading this particular 'insight'. it occurred to me that certainly Debating could also be deemed a metaphor for life. It requires perseverance from team members. self- denial of slumber for early Sunday morning meetings. considerable hard work, some personal sacrifices and, of course, respect for the adjudicator The sixty-five debaters. from Grades 8 to 12, represented the School admirably in a series of Wednesday night Queensland Debating Union rounds. competing against a variety of schools from the south-east region Our debaters were highly successful in their endeavours, and seven teams achieved a place in the Finals' rounds of the competition - Year 8111. Year 8 121. Year 8131, Year 10 (1), Year 10 131, Year 11 111 and Year 11 121 After competing in the highly competitive knock-out final rounds, both Year 11 teams. consisting of Sally Stubbing ton, Kirsty Hamilton. IOCelyn Knight, IennY O'Brien. Ajison MCGill. Nerida Haberkern, Kate BOYd, Amy Clarke. Aishwarya Singh and Annabelle Karrasch reached the quarter finals. and we extend our congratulations to This success in Debating during 2002 would not have been possible without the tireless encouragement of our coaches, peers. parents and other Grammar supporters who made all the hard work worthwhile. On behalf of all the debaters, I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our Co- ordinator of Debating. Miss Williams, whose organisation and support has been unrelenting, and to the team coaches for their dedication, enthusiasm and invaluable assistance throughout the these girls for their wonderful devotion, persistence and talent

We have all learnt much this Year from Debating - perhaps some general knowledge, perhaps some skills for arguing with siblings, but the most important thing we have learnt is to try our hardest, because as Abraham Lincoln said. "If a man has done his best, what else is there?" We all have fond memories and have shared laughter and fun. This surely is the essence of success. Congratulations debaters of 2002, and all the best for next Year

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Fifth Row IL-R): RDSie Burton. Lauren Humphrey, Calllin Stephenson. Lindsayiones, Anna Hagan, Allson MCGill. Holly Pym. Katherine BOYd Fourth Row IL-Ri' Anne Butler, Kavita Paw. Nerida Haberkern. Hayley Wall, Megan Pearce. Allcia Stumm. Jenny O'Brien. Tiara Queen. Emma PIa Aysuria Chang Third Row it-R): Am anda Lee See. Me Ianie Blenkin. Annabel Humphreys. Shona Wills. Gowri Chandrashekar. Carla Sinerdon. An shini Jain. Georg Horsburgh, Sally Stubbing ton, Aishwarya Singh. F10na Johnson. Suhasini Singh. Eininie Will 15 Second Row IL-Ri: Samantha Degn. Jocelyn Knight. Iemima Cowderov. Annie-Kale Vann. Emilv See, Rachel Holt. Courtney Locke. Claire Blenkin Anna MCGahan. Kirsty Hamilton. MIChaela Hating. Elizabeth Stafford Front Row IL-Ri: Annie Tong. Me era Srinivasan. Hannah Statham, A1ara Bracey. Emma 01 Marco. Sarah Hancock. Priya Sinnathamby. SarahJane Dobson. Sophie Whish. Anna Jacobson. Anne Sawyer Absent: AmY Clarke. Amy Smith


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