2002 School Magazine
'CUIa ac iv'ties calligraphy
Calligraphy Sessions With great enthusiasm and persistence, Japanese Calligraphy lessons that had continued on from 2001 enabled the students to display their extraordinary artistic talent and ability to stay focused. The lessons were also very enjoyable. Even though the number of regular participants this Year was slightly limited, we nonetheless greatly appreciated the subtle art of Calligraphy as it proved to be a pathway to experiencing Japanese culture Calligraphy sessions were once again organized by Mrs Takizawa, with members meeting from 3.30pm until 430pm every Thursday. Under the careful supervision of the skilful and professional Mr Koiima. students enhanced their artistic abilities by practicing writing their chosen phrase The students' talent in calligraphy shone particularly during Language Week 119 Julyj when their masterpiec were proudly displayed in the Library
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Thanks go to our co- ordinator, Mrs Takizawa and our habulous teacher. Mr Konina, for patiently bearing our chatter, music and occasional consumption of nutrients Calligraphy sessions this year have truly been an eventful and memorable experience. and we hope that this unique opportunity to express our creativity will continue to bloom in the future
Arsu, 10 Chong und Vo!ene Hii
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