2002 School Magazine

fencing club s

Equally as successful were the four teams competing in the BGS-hosted regional schools tournament. Their spirit and support of each other was unrivalled by any other competing school. The junior BGGS 'B' team displaved particular camaraderie. and despite fencing boys of twice their experience, managed an excellent eighth placing. Despite their outstanding second placing in the competition for the second consecutive Year. the junior BGGS 'A team are determined to claim the championship next season. The senior teams also performed strongly, with BGGS 'A and 'B' placing second and sixth respectively The combined BGSjBGGS senior epee team in this competition defined clearly the strong ties with BGS fomara Ham and Caroline Watt. with Tom Lyons and James Walsh of BGS. took out the senior epee title. The combined team was an experience enjoyed by all. and will hopefully begin a tradition for the Grammar schools All in all, 2002 has been a very successful season for Grammar fencing The fun has been equally reflected in outstanding results. Without chocolate cake and Freddo supplements. or extra early morning trainings and fencing camp. such determination, unity and success would not have been possible

Fencing The 2002 fencing season has been an admirable display of determination and teamwork, ultimately resulting in both laughter and success. A record eight girls attended U15, U17 and Schoolgirls national titles. and four teams entered in the regional schools' competition As well as many new fencers joining this season. the fencers were also fortunate enough to welcome back past student, PIP MCGrath. as an assistant coach to Pau! Crook In addition to a new coach. the links between both Grammar schools continued with joint training and competition initiatives. developing a strong sense of community Outstanding team results are the products of this season's determination. additional trainings and spirit The senior nationals team, BGGS 'A, had their work cut out for them as they returned to Sydney to defend their title of Australian Schoolgirls Team Champions. Not only did the team return with two individual schoolgirl medals, but they also gained a very creditable third place in the teams championships. BGGS 'B'. comprising of junior fencers Rosemary Pyatt. Jemima Cowderoy and Anna Brocklebank at their first national titles, also performed excellently under the inspiring leadership of seasoned fencer, Caroline Watt

Kuru Ronoi Copiern



3 The Notional teams

I. Arsurio ChongjL) andJemimo Cowderoy 2. The Notional Titles

4. Tomoro Ham competing o901nst More ton Boy College

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