2002 School Magazine
athletics ,GSSSA so ort
Representatives included
Weekly meets at the University of Queensland gave the newly selected squad th opportunity to display team spirit and athletic skills. Encouraging results were recorded in both Track and Field events. allowing the girls to polish their skills to peak for the aGSSSA Championships. Every week one track and one field event were nominated as 'Grand Prix Eventsl Onejunior and one senior athlete represented each school. Kate Leitch IYear 101 should be congratulated for her exceptional performances in various Grand Prix events. The team motto of "Think Blue" inspired the athletes to perform at their best and work as a team The Metropolitan North Regional Championships were held at Nudgee College the 17 and 18 September. Grammar dominated the competition. winning the Regional Champion Girls School Pennant. A large group of girls were selected t compete at the Queensland Championships
Year 12: Frances Bain. Anita Farmer, Annabelle Matthews, Elizabeth MCLellan. Kara Millman, Leah Richards. Geordan Shannon, Daina Surka Year 11: Felicity Abram. Katherine Davis. Matilda Gunn. Tamazyn Kettleton, Rachael Wilkinson Year 10: Danielle Alexander, Nichole Cheales. Kate Lenth Year 9: Me ianie Blenkin. Emma Douglas. Iacqueline Jeavons. Sigrid Mewing. Clare Murrey, Monique Rowles, Rachel Sanders. Emma Thornpson Year 8: Cecily Baring-Gould. Rachel Ferris. Megan Rutherford While others were skiing or sunbaking on the beach, members of the BGGS Athletics Squad spent their September holidays training. Despite the heat, training sessions were both fun and productive. with the opportunity to perfect relay passes and master technique in the throws and jumps. These training sessions proved to be crucial in the lead up to the aGSSSA competition on Friday 18 October The months of commitment paid off with Grammar's best result for four Years The team took on the opposition with confidence and style, displaying depth in both track and field events to win The Stephens Aggregate Cup BGGS placed in 78 of the 108 total events with 32 firsts. 28 seconds and 18 third places. On the track Grammar was especially strong winning eleven of twenty loom races and winning six of ten relays Age group results show the depth of talent and the consistency of effort Years 13.14,15 second and Years 16 and 17 first Record setters included Emma Burrell in the 13 Years longjump B division. NICole Cheales in the 15 Years 90m hurdles, and Sally Douglas, Krista Mahoney, Susan Bird and Daina Surka in the 17 Years 4xlOOm relay B division Outstanding athlete of the meet and the Year was Kate Leitch ryear 101, first in the 15 Years loom A division. first in the 200m with a record, and first in the 400m by an outstanding margin 2002 was a testimony to athletic skill. dedication and teamwork. It was. therefore, unfortunate that so few of the School population showed their School spirit as spectators
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