2002 School Magazine
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Volleyball In keeping with tradition, the 2002 BGGS Volleyball season proved to be hugely successful, and this was reflected not only by the fantastic results for the season, but also by the great experiences shared by all players All teams began the season enthusiastically, and this attitude was continued throughout aGSSSA fixtures and proved a formidable force to be reckoned with for our opponents. With the addition of a second Year ten team to the Grammar ranks. the number of players expanded to seventy-seven, reflecting the growing interest in volleyball within the school After a skilful display of volleyball in the popular Year 81nterhouse Competition, won by Woolcock, a substantial number of girls trailed for the Year 8 team, coached by 2001 capta'n, Annabel e Lamprecht. The girls improved rapidly, having a successful debut season, finishing third The Year 9 team this Year proved to be a very strong cohort, and coached by 2000 captain. Deborah Waters, worked their way steadily towards their well-deserved title of undefeated premiers for the season. All girls demonstrated considerable abilities throughout all games, and congratulations must go to Suhasini Singh for her consistent setting and powerful serves, contributing to her team's deserved results 2002 saw the addition of a second Year 10 team. Both Year 10 teams played in the same draw, and represented Grammar with both skill and style. The first team, coached by 1999 captain, Alexandra Downs. took the premiership with the honoured status of undefeated premiers, without dropping a single set in any game Our spirited second team. coached by past student, Amelia Kerlin, improved greatly as a result of their experiences throughout the season, with many girls new to the sport. All players showed admirable enthusiasm, resulting in a highly enjoyab e
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I. Nitolo Wolsh, Kitby Short rind Mouldo Gunn show the co- ordination of the Open team 2. Fbst student couch, Alex Downs, in conference with her lofts 3. Mutet tester 151 und touren HOJOlompou (1): Open ochan 4. Kote Hurries, Shehorn MendiS, Suruh Cohen it-R} Senior A sto!wons 5. Synchronised blocking: Xirby Short und Gemmo Denl lopen} 6. Coptoin. Elkobeth Mete!!on
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