2002 School Magazine

netball . GSSSA sport

After the trials, the first major event on the netball agenda was the teachers versus students netball game. This proved to be very challenging for the Grade 12 girls, particularly due to the fact that a teacher was 'scoring! Another highlight of the season was the visit from Rydal Penhros Girls School. an English touring team They played our Open team, which proved to be a very good warm-up as some of us had not Yet played together. Another significant event of the season was the Vicki Wilson Cup knockout competition against schools outside the aGSSSA competition. Despite only reaching the third round, all the Open girls must be coinmended on their excellent sportsmanship and game play which notably improved each round. This development of skillwas also reflected in the Saturday morning aGSSSA matches. It also proved to be very fitting to have Vicki Wilson as the very entertaining and inspiring guest speaker at the end-of-season celebratory dinner Throughout the season there have been many outstanding performances by both past and current BGGS netball players, which deserve recognition. At the start of the season, Clare North. Katherine Davis and Alexandra Kidd represented Brisbane Girls Grammar School as part of the North Independent Under 15 team. Katherine is to be further congratulated on progressing to her selection in both the Metropolitan North and State Age Under 15 teams. A1issa Castrisos, ipast netball captain and current coachl is to be congratulated on her selection in the Under 21 State team and the Under 19 Australian squad, while Jane Menzies, ipast netball captain and current coachl similarly deserves recognition for her selection in the Under 21 Queensland team. Rebecca Chapman ipast student and current coachi has been recently selected in the Open Queensland team and finally, Rebecca White, 112 in must be coinmended on her selection in the Under 17 Queensland team and most recently the squad for the Firebabes At the start of the season the captains' report stated: 'For a team to be successful, it is essential that all members will be dedicated to play and train to their potential! Looking at the aGSSSA netball results for 2002, it is evident that this has been achieved. The season has ended with 8 out of 15 teams winning premierships Six of these teams were undefeated. Brisbane Girls Grammar School also achieved two 2nd places, two 3rd places. a 4th and a 5th. The Grade 8 squad deserves a particular commendation as both the 8C and BCii team shared well-deserved premiership, while both the BBS and 8As were undefeated premiers. These results alone show that the Grade BS have started their Grammar netball careers very successfully and have strength and depth of talent to carry them through the next four Years of aGSSSA competition None of these achievements would have been possible without the dedicated efforts of the committed and supportive coaches, parents and spectators Similarly. the continuing assistance of Mrs Harvey-Short IHead of HPE faculty) and Mr Greatorex over the season was very much appreciated. Finally, without the commitment and assistance of the netball co-ordinator, Ms Hamilton, the successes of the season would not have been possible As captains, we would like to acknowledge that the past five Years have offered us a number of opportunities to forge new friendships, not only with fellow teammates, but also with girls from other grades and schools, as well as experiencing the spirit and enthusiasm associated with all Grammar sports. We are very grateful that we have been fortunate enough to lead Girls Grammar's netball community this season, and thank all present players for their positive attitudes for the whole season and wish all future players our very best wishes



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Sofah Perrett a Sally Douglos Captains

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