2002 School Magazine
hockey , GSSSA sport
Hockey The 2002 hockey season has been one of the most enjoyable and successful seasons ever seen at the school. with Grammar winning four of the six aGSSSA premierships and placing third in the other two This exciting season was preceded by the second Annual Hockey Camp, which was held at the Runaway Bay Sports Centre in July. Girls from Year 10 through to 12 experienced three days of intensive training under the guidance of Debbie Bowman-SUIlivan. the former Captain of the Hockeyroos This was a continuation of the Initiative of the 2001Captains, Phoebe MCGithn and Amelia Stephens. and proved once again to be both very beneficial pre- season preparation, and great fun The Open Team managed to overcome their closely contested division and many injuries including a pinched nerve. torn muscles and an aggravated appendix to win the premiership outright for the first time in four Years
The motivational words of coach, past student. Cathy Taylor-Alt. Inspired the team to "attack like a bullet train" and "defend with strength. honour and dedication': The team managed to attain a high level of both skill and fitness and this was apparent when the opposing teams' fitness was compromised and the Grammar girls staved strong. Am anda Shields won the team vote for the most consistent performer The Senior A team. coached by past student, Kath Barram. enjoyed mixed successes throughout the season, with some high-scoring games while others that were more closely contested However, they did not let these games dampen their great team spirit. Overall. the team finished in a third place, with very commendable performances by captain, Kate Williams, and Amy Clarke and Rachael Doo1an Nicholson Whilst in a competition involving only four teams, the Senior B team totally dominated the other schools
The players showed great improvements throughout the season They are a testament to the depth of Grammar hockey. with many new playersjoining the sport for fun and fitness The Year 10 team performed strongly all through the season despite losing three of their standout players to the Open team. They remained enthusiastic and committed. They were unfortunate to draw to St. Margaret's in their last game, placing them third overall. Kate Martin led the team well providing great defence, and the attacking efforts of Tegan Watts should also be coinmended The Year 9 team were once again undefeated premiers. Under the direction of past students, Anna MCGilvery and Caroline Gregorv, the team continued to assert their dominance over the competition. with outstanding displays of both individual skills and teamwork. They are a very cohesive group. with Sigrid Mewing
and Rosie Nalder consistently performing to a high standard
Under the direction of last Year's hockey Captain. Phoebe MCGiffin, the Year 8 team began what looks like being a very enjoyable time in Grammar Hockey. Winning all but on of their games, the team demonstrat great depth and talent. and can only improve with time. Strong performances were shown by both Michelle Dowsett and Annelise Kerr With a first place finish on the ladder the Year 85 have helped to Initiate what could be Grammar's domination of the sport for Years to come
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