2002 School Magazine

results aGSSS



Fourth Row IL-RI Sarah Perrett inetballj. Frances Bain to Ihletics; vice-captainj. 11/11an Stack ICricketj. Emma PCulsen 15ailingl. Annabelle Malthews ICross countryI Third Row IL-Rl: Elizabeth leiley Iequestrianl. Tess O'Gorman Irowingj. Sally Clout Ihockeyl, Anna Humphries Iequestrian; vice-captainj. Eliza Gower (rhythmic gymnasticsj. An ita Farmer Iathleticsj, Anna Patterson 15ailingj, Elizabeth Merellan IVClleyballj Second Row IL-Ri: Alexandra Arithony Ibasketballj, Brabeth Wheeler (hockey!. Sarah HDltam 15wimmingj. Krista Mahoney jartistic gymnasticsl. Constance Duneombe (rowing I. lessica Mitchell Iwate IPOlo; vice-captainl. Amahda Cheales jartistic gymnastics!, Genevieve Butnoris (tennis!. Kara Ronai ifencingl Front Row IL-Ri: Sally Douglas inetballj. He Ien Balley iswimmingl. Geordan Shannon 150ftballj. Mrs P. Harvey-Short IDirector of Health. Physica Education and Sportl, Tegan Burgess Iwaterpoloj. Claire Karrasch Ibasketballl. Daina Surka tothletics; vice-captainl



Second Row it-R): Jessica Mitchell Iwater polol. Eliza Gower Irhythmic gymnasticsj. Frances Bain 18th leticsl. Soph!e Smith Iwater poloi. An It a Farmer tothleticsl. Emma Poutsen 15ailingi. Anna Patterson isallingl. Kirby Short 150ftballl Front Row IL-Rj: Dane Surka Iathleticsl. Rebecca White metballj. Geordan Shannon 150ftballj, Elizabeth MCLellan tvolleyballj. FeintY Adam boss countryI. Tegan Burgess Iwater polo1.519rid Mewing tothleticsj

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