2002 School Magazine

leadership student perspectives

created. Each groups arrow's strength, straightness and sturdiness were tested in a competition to see whose arrow flew the straightest and the most accurately This did, however, depend greatly on the skill of the archer. There were 00 Robin Hoods In the group. however Libby MCLellan was the bowman of the day with the arrow flying straight into the target From this activity, the focus of the afternoon was developed with a clear question "How far and how straight will Your arrow fly?" Everyone completed a questionnaire, to find the shape that their leadership arrow takes. A great variatio of arrow structure existed within the groups showing the diversity and assortmen of leaders existing between us. We discovered how different parts of the arrow represented different leadership qualities. each letter standing for a different skill From seeing our arrows and what would stop them from hitting the bulls eve. lie. an uneven balance of Inter and intra personal skillsj. we discussed methods of improving the various skills The afternoon was an extremely rewarding and insightful experience. Through thi shared activity, closer links were formed between the two bodies, achieving a platform for activities later in the Year. This activity was one of many new ones introduced this Year. leading towards stronger ties between BGGS and BGS We hopefully began the construction of stronger and straighter arrows Yet to travel between the schools

Leadership Workshop

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issue Issue

Can You guess the real meaning of this puzzle? Think about it while we tell You about the afternoon that the Girls Grammar Executive and the Boys Grammar Prefects spent together in a Leadership Workshop in the Girls Grammar auditorium The afternoon of May 8 began the way all memorable events start. with pizza. As the pizza was devoured, the two leadership groups mingled and made their way into the auditorium. The afternoon which followed, involved a series of tasks designed to determine what type of leaders we all were The first task set asked us to attempt to solve a page full of riddles similar to the one above. And if You are still clueless to that one, the answer 15 Tennis Shoes Although no-one managed to solve all of them. by working together effective Iy. we were able to come up with fifteen correct answers - the first of many achievements

The next item on the agenda was to, in groups, construct an arrow made from pipe cleaners. Designs varied from group to group, and some very Interesting arrows were

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